So I am going to become a blogger, and I have been trying to figure out what it means to me, and how it compliments who I am.
First off I love the idea of blogging as a whole. It is this amazing sub-culture on the Internet that I have become fascinated with. There are so many voices out there to be heard. Not only expert voices, just voices that have something to say and through their blogs we are fortunate enough to get fascinating glimpses into their minds.
I have found the blogs I like best are the ones whose authors are aware they have an audience, yet they speak with a realness and simplicity. They are authentic. I image if I met the author they would be exactly as they sound on their blog.
That is the approach I hope to take in my writing. I want to be real.
I want to express my pain, my fears and my triumphs as I experience them. I want you, my audience, to understand, without having to experience, what it is like living every day with fibromyalgia.
Don’t expect this to be a depressing blog. I am not a victim. I am not disabled. I am simply learning to live well within the limitations of fibromyalgia. I have been working on this for a while now, but I am hoping to be held more accountable now that I have chosen to share my story with you.
So this blog is going to be a journey for me, and hopefully for you too. You do not need to have fibromyalgia to get something out of this. After all it is just an obstacle, and aren’t we all faced with those each and every day. You simply need to be interested in someone taking control and bettering her life. Maybe, inadvertently, you will gain some personal insight as well.
Oh and you get to have fun watching me flail and stumble and get mad until I finally get it right.
And I will get it right. It is only a matter of time.
Welcome to my blog.
Welcome to blogging! I’ve just read all your posts to date (most recent about planned trip to wedding in Hawaii) and feel that you are already “getting it right”, no worries.
I share your preference: “the blogs I like best are the ones whose authors are aware they have an audience, yet they speak with a realness and simplicity” and you are following this. Since I started blogging I’ve found it an activity that is satisfying to me in itself, regardless of readership, though of course one always hopes to have readers for anything written, and hopes they’ll find the writing in some way valuable. So my blog posts are one of those things I can do despite fibromyalgia, which bring satisfaction, are out there in the world, and may have some slight effect. They help me organize my thoughts and also stimulate me to examine them, make changes and connexions.
And your positive attitude about living with fm is well expressed, and can do a lot of good. It can be an isolating, depersonalizing condition. But we can still live well within the limits fm sets, and keep pushing those boundaries a little.
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting; I look forward to continuing to read yours. And I hope you have a great time in Hawaii!
Thank you nosleepingdog. May I call you NSD for short? 🙂
I did have a wonderful time in Hawaii and was so pleased to come home and find comments awaiting me. Yeah!
I appreciate your positive feedback. I really do hope to do some good with my positive outlook. I want to share it and create a community for those of us who try hard everyday to LIVE.
Fibromyalgia can be isolating and depersonalizing like you said, but maybe through our blogging efforts it will be less so. And maybe on the days when we are feeling less than enthusiastic about things, we can reach out for some encouragement and reinforcement.
In my short time at this I too have found that blogging helps stimulate me and organize my thoughts. What a bonus!
So great to have you to share this with. I hope you come back often and share your thoughts.