So I was feeling very uninspired today to write a new and original post. Instead I spent the morning reading some of my favorite blogs. Over at one of my favorites, I Read Banned Books, she did this fun little post that I am stealing from her. Of course these are all my original answers, skewed a little due to the angry-chronic-pain-girl thing I have going on today.
TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:
- Thank you!
- Are you kidding me?
- Why? Really! Why?
- Where are you?
- I miss you.
- I wish I could help you more.
- You deserve better.
- You are welcome.
- Can you believe we survived all that shit?
- Get the hell out of my way!
NINE things about yourself:
- I hate feet. HATE THEM!
- I love coffee. LOVE IT!
- At one time I owned over 30 pairs of flip-flops.
- I am a book snob. Won’t do chick lit, or a book with a movie cover or Oprah tag on it.
- I have a loving and supportive family, immediate and extended.
- I have always considered myself a very fortunate person, despite my chronic illness.
- As a little girl, when I would get sad I would write notes and tuck them into a hole in the wall of my bedroom. For all I know they are still there.
- I am an excellent poker player, even considered going pro.
- My dream job would be to be a professional student, reading, researching and writing about classic literature.
EIGHT ways to win your heart:
- Change my car battery for me – that’s how Rob did it!
- Pay attention to my dogs, no matter how stinky and obnoxious they are.
- Be kind, smart & funny.
- Listen.
- Show compassion.
- Take me to Costco.
- Buy me a book.
- Go to the store for me late at night when I am having a comfort food craving.
SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
- I hurt.
- I am in pain.
- Man, I can’t believe how much pain I am in right now.
- I wish I felt up for taking the dogs for a walk.
- I am tired.
- I hope Rob never gets tired of having to take care of me.
- Poor Finley, he is so neurotic because he really needs a walk.
SIX things you do before you fall asleep:
- Take out my contacts.
- Pee. (Is that TMI?)
- Drink a glass of milk.
- Take my vitamin.
- Read.
- Turn out the light.
FIVE people you couldn’t live without:
- My hubby – Rob
- My sister.
- My Dad.
- My Mom.
- Too many to chose just one.
FOUR things you’re wearing right now:
- Flip-flops, always flip-flops.
- My wedding rings.
- An Esprit sweatshirt I have had since 1987.
- A headache frown.
THREE songs that fit your life perfectly:
- I Wanna Be Sedated, by The Ramones
- Writer’s Block, by Britt Daniel
- Trouble Sleeping, by Corinne Baily Rae
TWO things you want to do before you die:
- Live pain free or at least free of Fibromyalgia.
- Tour all the places in England I read in my British Lit classes.
ONE confession:
I am really sad today. Maybe it is the weather, or maybe it is because I am listening to Morrissey, I am not sure why. But I am sad.
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