I wasn’t going to talk about it. I probably shouldn’t talk about it. But now I am going to talk about it.
I have spent the last few weeks preparing for a deposition for a lawsuit I am involved in. I have filed a claim against the insurance of a person who rear-ended me. I will not go into the details, but they are 100% liable, and the insurance company is 100% trying to screw me!
This accident has changed my entire life. I gave up my lucrative sales position because I could no longer maintain my territory. I have suffered tremendous pain as a result of the accident and my Fibromyalgia has become much worse. The last two years since the accident have been hell – physically and emotionally.
Before then I was able to work full-time and live a relatively normal life with Fibromyalgia. Sure I had my flare-ups and my bad days, but it has been one continuous bad day since the accident. And if the pain wasn’t bad enough, the financial burden it has placed on my husband and me is enough to end most marriages.
And now they are dissecting my life as though I were a criminal on trial. I have to provide them with 10 plus years of medical records; all of my personal tax and banking information from the past 7 years; plus all of my sales and commission reports from 3 years before the accident until now. UNBELIEVABLE!!!
So if I have neglected my blog for the past few days this is why. I have been searching through boxes and files to come up with everything they need. I do not want to give them any ammunition to lowball my claim any further. Every time I answer the pages and pages of questions they have and provide them with the documents they need, they come up with more! I don’t know about you, but I do not organize my life so that I am readily prepared for this type of inquisition. Plain and simple, this has been a bitch.
When this is all settled and over, I am going to go into the details. I am going to tell you all every painful detail of this experience that has been the underlying force behind my every thought, feeling and emotion over the past two years. Seriously, this accident has influenced my life more than any other event in my adult life. I am a believer that something good comes out of everything bad. Well, it better be something REALLY good, and it better come soon!
Do you have an attorney? You need one if this case is going on so long. Damn, I’m sorry. My friend got into a car accident, then came down w/Transveres Mylitis and is paralyzed from the upper chest down. She got screwed over by their insurers, as auto accidents can cause the disease, but she never filed a police report. Sorry to hear you are going through this!
I do have an attorney. When the insurance of the person at fault tried to get me to settle my medical claim less than an month after the accident, and before I had even began physical therapy, I knew I was going to need help. My attorney is going to get a big chunk of the settlement, but I am okay with that because it has been much less stressful because of him.
It is tragic what happened to your friend. It is amazing the suffering insurance companies will cause just to save a buck. Wish her my best.