I have just recently become a member of the National Fibromyalgia Association. The NFA is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization whose mission is: To develop and execute programs dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with fibromyalgia. Their website is full of resources and articles about Fibromyalgia, as well as information on programs and regional support groups.
In January of this year they began a campaign called Pledge to Care. The Pledge to Care is a way for family members, friends, and healthcare providers to show their support to persons with Fibromyalgia by making a simple pledge.
“Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that affects 6 to 10 million Americans, however recent health care reform legislation and biased attitudes towards people with fibromyalgia, continue to prevent them from receiving adequate and appropriate access to medical care,” said Lynne Matallana, president and founder of the National Fibromyalgia Association. “Family members and other caregivers play an important role in the treatment of the person with fibromyalgia, yet many are still not well informed or know how best to care for their loved one. The ‘Fibromyalgia Pledge to Care’ is designed to help raise awareness for fibromyalgia, and provide a tool which will encourage others to join us in our national efforts to insure fibromyalgia patients access to better medical care.”
By going to NFA’s website and filling out a simple form, you can join a long list of family members and friends who have already made this pledge. Fibromyalgia is still known as “the invisible illness.” It is invisible not just because it does not show up on an x-ray or blood test, but it is invisible because it is easy to dismiss or ignore what is not understood. The NFA has made it their mission to develop and execute programs to educate and inform, because with understanding comes compassion, and with compassion there can be progress.
I hope you will all go to the NFA website and complete the Pledge to Care form in support of someone you love who suffers from Fibromyalgia. If it is you that suffers from Fibromyalgia, take the time to direct someone you love to the NFA site and ask them to make this pledge for you. It could be a good step towards educating them about Fibromyalgia and the very real challenges you face every day.
For my family and friends, I would appreciate very much if you took the time to make a pledge for me. I am very lucky to have such a loving and compassionate support system, but I know that I too could do more to help you understand the realities of Fibromyalgia. This blog has been a big step for me in that direction. Now I am taking it a little further and asking you to make a Pledge to Care. If you do make a pledge I would love if you came back here and posted a comment to let me know, or send me an e-mail if you prefer. Thank you!
Coincidence! On the same day I wrote a post about The National Fibromyalgia Association, my friend over at The Girl From the Ghetto did the same. Great minds! Check out her comment and then click the link to read her post.
You have got to read my latest post. You can shop @ amazon.com & This organization gets 15% of your sales!!! Feel free to borrow my post and put it here on your site.
You have got to read my latest post. You can shop @ amazon.com & This organization gets 15% of your sales!!! Feel free to borrow my post and put it here on your site.
Thanks for the heads-up Girl. I have added your comment directly into my post with the link to your blog. I received the update e-mail from NFA but hadn’t read it yet. Good stuff.
By the way, I made a pledge for you and Moonbeam and Amber. I also made a pledge for all the members of my new support group.
Hi Babe
I think this NFA Pledge to Care campaign is a great thing, and covering it in your blog for our family/friends is wonderful too. What little understanding of fibromyalgia that I have gained has been through watching you suffer from it for many years, and through what we’ve both learned together mostly by trial-and-pain while we tried to find you some relief. Helping loved ones understand FM will hopefully remove some of the pressure sufferers feel to be “normal”. How many years did it take to realize you have certain limits? And now that you listen to your body’s “limit alarms,” it’s all a bit more manageable. So when loved ones start to understand it, then the pressure and guilt associated with it can start to subside.
I am SO PROUD of you Babe! I can’t even really express it. I knew you were too tough and too strong and too smart to ever let FM “beat you”, but now you’re also helping SO many other people in a lot of ways, and I could not be prouder!
Thanks Hubby! Where would I be without you? I can’t even imagine. You are more than my rock, you are my mountain.
Hi Dannette,
So glad that you have become involved. It really helps so much to communicate with others that are in the same position as yourself. When I was sick the support group that I participated in at St. Jude hospital was the best thing I ever did. It benefited myself and helped others also.
You know thaat Uncle Dan and I love you so much and are very supported of you.
Love Ya
Aunt Annette
I do know how much you and Uncle Dan love and support me. I hope you know how much I appreciate it. The way you handled all you have been through is inspirational to me. Love you both very much. Can’t wait to see you Christmas Eve.
Hey Sis:
I went on the web site and did my pleadge to you. I hope it went through. It said it did! You know I am always here for you and I will do whatever I can to support you. Awareness is such an important thing! I pray one day that there will be a cure for Fibromyalgia. It breaks my heart seeing you in pain. You are such a strong woman and you never give up. You are an inspiration to me. I love you my Baby Sis.
I love you,
Big Sis
Everyone should be so lucky to have such a loving and supportive Big Sis. You rock! Love you.
Just made my pledge. So glad that we’ve reconnected and that you’re blogging about FM. I read your blog regularly and I’ve laughed, cried, smiled and cringed while learning about how painful FM can be and how it affects people’s lives. I had no idea. Thank you for sharing your life and pain.
Much love,
Thanks Missy! I truly missed you during the time we drifted apart. I would often think of you and wonder how you were and what was going on in your life. I am so happy for the great life you and Rick have together. You are a wonderful Mom to Grace and Jackson. I am really proud of you. After all of our adventures together and everything we went through, it just feels right to be sharing this part of my life with you. Thanks for your friendship and your compassion dear friend. Love You!
Once again you have made me proud, I am praying for you. Like they say in the movies, Keep your chin up.
Thanks Dad! I get all of my strength from you. Once again you have reminded me how lucky I am to have you for a father. Love you!
Dannette, i think you are a very strong and beautiful woman, i have always looked up to you. and now i am here for you with my support.
lots of love, Kristen
Oh Kristen, thank you so much. You brought tears to my eyes. I am so proud of the lovely woman you have become and the life you are making for yourself. I have always cherished our relationship. Love you!
Dannette, your candor is remarkable. We certainly support your effort to call attention to this disease and the related emotional and physical pain. Your father-in-law and I will be proud to take the pledge and to promise to become more aware through the education your blog and the Association can provide. Thank you for calling the issues to the family’s attention.
Our love and prayers go with you and the others who suffer with this disease and their families.
Thank you so much Mary. I have to tell you, it has not been easy putting myself out there like this. I feel vulnerable, but it is really helping me come to terms with my health. I had a hard time admitted what having Fibromyalgia really meant. I am a very stubborn girl as I am sure Rob would tell you. This blog has been a great journey so far. Thank you for your pledge and your support. Love to you & Pops!