I am having trouble writing an intelligent post. That Wellness Center which I love greatly, and which I believe is where I will begin to improve my health, well right now it has kicked me in the butt. I have been in a pretty significant flare since I tried the H2O Cardio class. It was basically high-impact aerobics in the water and I really should know better. I really need to stick with the gentle, low impact classes. If I do things that put me in a 2 week flare-up, well then I am less likely to be successful and I know that. So now I cannot exercise and I cannot write and I cannot do the million little things that need to be done, and I did it all to myself. I am a little mad at myself and I am really sick of being in pain!
[…] And if the laughter and the holistic healing weren’t enough, Saturday brought me another great tool for my arsenal in my battle against Fibromyalgia. One of my newest group members is also a certified yoga instructor. She arranged to teach a special gentle yoga class for group members at the Wellness Center. Yoga helped relieve her Fibromyalgia symptoms so much that she became an instructor so she could share and encourage other FM sufferers to try it for themselves. Eight brave members attended and we were lead through gentle movements and also taught modifications of movements that we could take with us into most any yoga class. I had taken yoga once before and it was an awful experience. The instructor was not gentle or nurturing and seemed put-out that a newbie was in her class. Saturday was a completely opposite experience and I am now a yoga convert. It was like my muscles were waking up from a long cryogenic freeze. I loved it so much that I took another class on Sunday with a different instructor. I was able to modify several of the movements and keep up for the most part. I was not the most graceful participant, but I continued to enjoy the awakening my muscles experienced the day before. I cannot think of a better way to describe it. I know my muscles thanked me, and after taking it easy for a couple of days I am heading back tomorrow. I have had no negative effects or a flare-up like I did from the H2O Cardio class. […]
I have many days that I feel like I have a dunce cap on. I am thankful we no longer use those. I love the pictures you find and post. Thanks for sharing.
My Sister ain’t no dummy!!!
This is my favorite photo on my blog! I may just use it for my avatar after all. Too funny!