What’s that? You have never heard of Free Lunch Fridays? Well then you need to meet my sister, because she is so awesome and loving, and she would totally invite you to come!
My sister lives about an hour away from me, but a few months ago she accepted this really great job just a few miles from my house. Ever since she started working there, we have made the effort to have lunch together at least once a week. Okay, so our lunch date is not always on Friday, but it is always fabulous! We laugh and gossip and complain and sympathize and share and laugh some more. Even though we text and e-mail throughout the week, there are always a million things to cover over lunch. I call it ‘free lunch Friday” because she seldom lets me pay, even though she totally deserves free lunch every day.
I am fortunate to have such a loving and supportive big sis. When I was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia she was my greatest advocate. She got online right away and began doing research. She not only helped me with information and resources, but she helped my extended family to understand how I was feeling and what I was experiencing. Her children, my nephew and niece, are so thoughtful about my health because she helped them to understand what their Auntie is going through. I never have to hide how I am feeling around any of them. Actually I couldn’t hide it if I wanted to because they are so tuned in and thoughtful to what I am feeling.
Even in some of my darkest times dealing with this chronic-pain-in-the-everything called Fibromyalgia, my sister has helped me to remember that I am still a strong, intelligent and important person. She has never let me give up hope or give up on myself. She is truly one of the most giving and caring people I have ever met. My Mom and I tease her that if she were to ever win the lotto, we would have to get her a money manager right away, because if we didn’t she would give it all away to help everyone she knows and loves and there would be nothing left for herself.
Today when I picked her up for lunch I could tell right away something was wrong. After months of dealing with excruciating back pain she had just been told that she has arthritis in her back. Arthritis, and she is only 42. My first thought was how much I did not want her to have to learn to live with a chronic pain condition. Over the many months that she had been dealing with her pain I kept hoping it would be resolved. I could see the anxiety she was feeling and I understood completely. The entire process of going to doctors and being tested and then going for more test because they can’t figure out what is wrong with you – it is a pain in the butt! But when you are finally diagnosed and “labeled” it is an entirely new ordeal trying to absorb it all and figure out what it is going to mean to your life.
There are no quick and easy answers Sis. You always say that God knew what he was doing when he put us together. You have helped me get through so much. Well now it is my turn to be compassionate and understanding and supportive. Now it is my turn to share all I have learned. It is my turn to remind you that you are a survivor, you are a kick ass woman, you are fabulous! And now it is your turn Sis. Free lunch Friday… it is on me next week!

I never could wear a dress as well as you Sis!
I can relate to this completely. I am the youngest in my family and as a child my big sister, who is nine years older than I, took care of me–and still would if I didn’t live 300 miles away. She has very recently been diagnosed with psoriasis and its accompanying psoriatic arthritis. I couldn’t stop myself from dropping everything and running to help. I immediately went online to do some research and found a place for her to start–and it may be helpful for your sister as well. Nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant, amongst others) exacerbate inflammation and the damage that it causes, particularly for those with immune dysfunctions or arthritis. Elimination of these has been shown to reverse the course of these diseases in individuals susceptible to the effects of the alkaloids nightshades contain. Me and my sister are both starting this experiment today-me for my fibro, she for her psoriasis. I’ll let you know how we fare!
Thanks for sharing this Karla, and good luck to you and your sister. I will be anxious to hear how your experiment turns out. I am happy to know that we share the pleasure of having loving and supportive sisters. What a gift! I am not sure how much my sis will love me when I tell her she needs to give up potatoes though! FH
Have you seen the AP story on Fibromyalgia? I am disgusted. Here it is …
and feel free to read my post on it.
Yes, the article is disturbing! I will be doing a post on it too, as soon as I can be rational about it. FH
Wow!! Now I know why you wanted me to read this. Wow! I read this out loud to Peanut and we both are crying. I guess you got me back for all the times I made you cry with the cards I bought you. Its not hard being a good sister to you. Because you are the best sister in the world. I do appreciate your support and I sure do need it. By the way free lunch this week is on me because you paid last time. I love you and I am so glad we have each other. Love you baby sis
Okay, I will let you get lunch this week, but only because “free lunch Friday” is on Dad next week. Woo hoo!!! Let’s make him take us some place expensive – and with really comfortable seats!
You know I am here for you always.
Omg! I know I am a little late hahaha this is so cute. sitting in the emergency room was boring but then we went to the back, while waiting for the doctor mommy read this to me I was crying my eyes out!!! I love you auntie!!!!!
It is never too late for you Peanut! Thanks for all your support. I love you!