Last month my Fibromyalgia support group was fortunate to have Dr. David Shores, DC give a presentation. He discussed with us what he believes to be the major contributing factors for Fibromyalgia and chronic pain, and shared with us several successes he has had with his approach to treating Fibromyalgia & chronic pain. I asked him to contribute a guest post for my blog and he graciously agreed to.
From Dr. David Shores, DC
A Comprehensive Holistic Approach To Fibromyalgia And Chronic Pain
Dannette from Fibromyalgia Haven asked me to write a guest article for her site when I spoke at her fibromyalgia support group in January.
Having worked with many fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and chronic pain patients I thought I would share a recent case to demonstrate what I find and how I proceed.
Late December 08 a new patient presented to my office with the diagnosis of fibromyalgia that began in 04. Her primary complaint was severe muscle and joint pain. She also reported severe joint swelling in all the major joints of her body and water retention. Her joint pain and swelling was at it’s worst in the morning. She had a history of multiple traumas. Neurologic testing showed multiple cervical and lumbar nerve compressions. Bio-response testing showed multiple severe heavy metal toxicity, more than seven chronic infections and several vitamin deficiencies along with several structural problem.
We supplemented her with the deficient vitamins only and gave her a nutritional supplement to chelate or remove the heavy metals and a nutritional supplement to aid her body in clearing the infections. She was monitored weekly and adjusted with an instrument to handle the structural and neurological problems. As of today 2/2/09 she reports that her symptoms are eighty percent resolved with virtually all of the morning stiffness and pain gone. We expect further improvement as she continues on her program.
I find this case to be typical of many with fibromyalgia. In most cases there are a multitude of problems including structural, toxins, nutritional, infection and emotional. When the problems are addresed in the correct order and with great care, many with chronic pain improve tremendously. For more information please go to
David Shores DC
1524 Encinitas Blvd
Encinitas, Ca 92024
Disclaimer: This information is for education purposes only. The doctor does not diagnose or treat any medical conditions. The doctors goal is to restore proper function and thus restore self healing.
Personally I was very interested in Dr. Shores’ approach. It makes sense to me (especially after listening to his comprehensive presentation) that Fibromyalgia can stem from “a multitude of problems including structural, toxins, nutritional, infection and emotional.” A lot of my current research is based on what I learned from Dr. Shores, i.e heavy metal toxicity (post coming soon). As part of my unending quest to improve my health I will be working with Dr. Shores. I will write regular posts about my sessions and my response to his treatment in an effort to help us all benefit from his knowledge and expertise.
Thank you for your time and contribution Dr. Shores.
Makes sense. I wish I had the money right now do have tests like that done, and be able to see a professional. Right now, I’m just kind of guessing what I need, and if it doesn’t work, trying something else.
Isn’t it unfortunate that we often have to make sacrifices to our health because of our finances? I understand. Dr. Shores believes our bodies are self-healing, and it is his goal to find and treat what is interfering with our own natural healing processes. I hope I am able to report back with something that will help you in your “trial and error” approach. FH
I second that with Nicole. That’s kind of the approach I have been taking. I try to listen to my body and do what I feel might be good for me. Sometimes, things work and sometimes they do not. It’s kind of like a roller coaster. Just try not to give up and stay positive. Wish I had the answers for many people out there. 🙂
It really is a roller coaster. Sometimes even doing things that are good for us (exercise) make our symptoms so much worse. Not fair! Thanks for sharing here Clarissa. FH
If you are going to go it alone here is where I would start:
1) Go to and get the free download and start using the technique immediately. I can be used with emotional issues if you need it and can work very well for pain.
2) Take a quality multivitamin to correct any nutrient deficiencies. I like Women’s blend by Super Nutrtion.
3) Follow a paleolithic diet. This is a very healthy diet that removes many food allergies, decreases inflamation, and increases energy.
Of course doing these does not fix everything but you’ve got nothing to loose but better health and you may even feel better!
God Bless,
David Shores DC
Remember how when we were little you used to follow me around? Well, now I am going to follow you around. As you know I went to see Dr. Shores tonight. Our appointment went really well. I am motivated and ready to do this! I will do what I can to make it happen. Thank you for introducing me to Dr. Shores. I think it is awesome that he has continued to go on your blog and take the time to write on it too!!
Here’s to you and I feeling better soon! CHEERS
From now on glutten free Sister lunches.
Love you Sis
FibroHaven and Dr. Shores;
Thank you for the clarification and information. I would like more information from Dr. Shores, if I may. I understand the leaky gut and the passage of large molecules (undigested food) across that membrane. The further movement of these large molecules, however, would necessitate leaky blood vessels as well, would it not? Please, I am just trying to understand. I am having similar results with my elimination of nightshades. Do they (or any food allergen) result in leaky gut?
Hi Karla,
Even though the molecules are larger than they should be, they are still microscopically very small. The small intestine is selectively permiable. This mean that it allows certain substances to pass from the small intestine to the blood and it excludes others. What I think happens is that when a person eats foods regularly that they are allergic to, the small intestine loses some of its ability to be selective.
Why would someone be allergic to nightshades? or any other food for that matter? It is known that gluten and dairy allergies are genetic based. But what about tomato, citrus, nuts etc.. I don’t doubt your allergy but instead wonder what is causing it and not only that but I can’t help to think about what is causing the epidemic of new allergies we have today. I have some theories based on clinical results.
David Shores DC