In his book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra writes this about law number six, The Law of Detachment:
The Law of Detachment says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You don’t give up the intention, and you don’t give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the results.
I am sharing this with you to explain an epiphany I had last week while attending an introduction to meditation class at The Chopra Center. I scheduled the event as a support group function and was hopeful that many members would take advantage of the free class. The RSVPs for the event were low – 5 yes, and 3 maybe. It is understandable and common to have people unwell enough to attend or to change their RSVP at the last minute from yes/maybe to no. In the end only three of us made it to meditation, and one member who showed had to leave because she was having a reaction to the incense burning throughout the center.
As I sat there trying to relax and prepare for the meditation I was unfocused and thinking about what more I could have done to encourage participation. I believe strongly that meditation is a great tool to aid us in our never-ending quest for wellness. How could I share my beliefs with the members and make them believers too? These thoughts distracted me, but soon the instructor was able to gain my full attention. At the end of the class she shared with us the intention of Chopra’s Law of Detachment and read to us the following step explaining how to apply the law:
Today I will commit myself to detachment. I will allow myself and those around me the freedom to be as they are. I will not ridgidly impose my idea of how things should be. I will not force solutions on problems, thereby creating new problems. I will participate in everything with detached involvement.
There it was. The universe was speaking to me on that day and telling me to let go and detach from the expectations I have placed on the meetings and events I schedule for the group. It was like a weight being lifted. There were about 15 people in the room but I felt like she was speaking directly to me.
There is no reason for me to get frustrated or discouraged when my members do not attend. I cannot set their goals and intentions for them. I cannot tell them what will work and what will be good for them. I can only continue to schedule meetings and events, enjoy the members who do attend, and give the members who do not attend opportunities to do so in the future. My intention when I started the support group was to create a place for people with Fibromyalgia and chronic pain to come together to learn, laugh, share, and encourage. My intentions have not changed, but I had become too conscious and attached to the results. I am determined now to let go of my expectations and just continue with my intentions. Good things will happen and members will show when they are ready.
The Law of Detachment was read to me on a day when I needed the lesson the most. I am so grateful that I was present and open to the message. Isn’t it amazing how serendipitous our universe can be at times?
And I feel as though you are speaking directly to me.
Thank you again for a wonderful and timely post.
excellent entry! The Law of Detachment sounds a lot like the concept of Radical Acceptance. Personally I prefer the latter phrasing since its more positive sounding, but it amounts to the same thing 🙂 I just love those aha moments!
Well, I am glad that you are not taking it personally and beating yourself up for it. You came to a great, healthy conclusion and I could not agree more with you. I was sorry to have missed it. I will try again. 🙂
A strange idea…but so true. We all know that deep down…but it’s hard to keep from wishing and wanting. Thanks for the reminder.
‘Serendipitous’ that’s exactly why & how I got to read your article.
My day was essentially going the way you described your experience which led to the epiphany. I consider myself rather new at this & your story felt validating.
Gee, RADICAL ACCEPTANCE, I like it… I’m going to use that phrase from now on.
Ei andy koehn: I’m convinced that we don’t have to keep ourselves from wishing; that’s part & parcel of the process of creation… wouldn’t you agree?