Do you ever feel like you have bitten off more than you can chew?
Man I have a lot going on right now – a lot of good things going on right now. I have teased in the past that I am working towards bigger and better things for FibroHaven. I want this to be more than just a blog where I come to relieve my tension, share my experiences, and hopefully educate and entertain you. I want this blog to be the foundation for a whole infrastructure of community, heath, and wellness, which we are all so hopefully pursuing. And I am working on it.
To that end, I am finding that each day I have more and more on my plate. Today for example, this is what I am hoping to accomplish:
To-Do List
- write two blog posts
- read the assignment and complete homework for business class I am taking
- email back the 14 people who are waiting so patiently for my response
- prepare for meeting tonight to cover progress of FibroHaven launch
- confirm details with guest presenter for support group meeting on Wednesday
- schedule August meetings for FibroHaven support group
Now mind you, todays list is this long because I accomplished nothing productive over the weekend – except having a great bbq with my family and catching up on some movies I have wanted to see – but nothing that would make my “to-do” list more palatable.
So when I found the image above, I thought it was a great reminder for me. Yes, I am “chewing” a lot right now, but like that yummy strawberry the tortoise is so happily munching on, it is all good for me. Everything I am working on and working towards will not only enrich my life, but it will also enrich everyone who becomes a part of my vision for FibroHaven – one great big community where we all share, and support, and connect, and explore. A community where no one feels isolated or alone. A community where when you are in the middle of the storm that is life, you can retreat to for a little shelter and protection – a Haven!
It may not be the most organized haven, and it may sometimes progress like the tortoise instead of the hare, but it will be a haven none-the-less. Our Haven! And the great thing is you all understand. You all get it. I didn’t need to get on here today and apologize for anything. I just came on here to share. Because I can. Because I know you will understand and you will listen. That is what I am working hard to develop – a place where we can all go when we need a little understanding.
Note to self: write two one blog post.
I feel like this often.. haha the way you put it into words, makes it so I can relate. I love that cute picture of the turtle!! Ahh.. I’m not really sure, but I think Ashley McClain (Aunt Patti’s) oldest, has Fibromyagia as well. I know she went to the doctor. But I could be wrong. Love you!
You are right Sis, that sure is a lot ot do. All that and you made the time to write a post. I love the picture it is so cute. I hope you were able to get things done but not over do it! Hope the meeting went well. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know. Hang in there. LOVE YOU
If you ever think of something I can do to help you let me know! It doesn’t look like your list is very delegatable (I think I made that word up) but seriously, I am not working these days and have TIME on my hands!