If you are not already familiar with Lynne Matallana and The National Fibromyalgia Association, you should become so. Lynne founded the NFA in 1997, and has turned her hard work and advocacy for Fibromyalgia patients into the largest nonprofit organization working to support people with fibromyalgia and other chronic pain illnesses. Lynne and the NFA are at the forefront of our Fibromyalgia crusade. Spend some time on the NFA’s website and you will see that they are the leaders in Fibromyalgia awareness and advocacy.
Today I want to share with you this very important video of a presentation Lynne gave in 2007 at a patients conference. It is important to note that she is speaking to patients here. This is not an intro to Fibromyalgia. She is speaking to her peers, to all of us.
The video is an hour in length, so keep that in mind when you prepare to view it, but please do watch it. It will give you comfort to know that the most recognizable Fibromyalgia leader understands and is actively working to better our lives and provide us hope for our future.
Here are some highlights Lynne covers in the presentation:
- We are all different
- You can get better
- There is no magic bullet
- What you are experiencing is real
- You can take back control of your life
- Listen to your intuition
- Give yourself permission to take care of you
- You are a person first, a patient second
- This is our journey
On this journey you are going to learn not only the things that are going to help make you feel better, but maybe even help make you a better person. I think I am much more compassionate. I think I am much more sensitive. I think I am much more aware. Lynne Matallana
Just found this blog. Check out my blog http://www.fibrofriends.typepad.com where I share my search for recovery from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia syndromes. I have pursued many therapies and treatment including being a patient of Dr. Paul Whitcomb which I write about in my post “Paul Whitcomb – Friend or Foe” but more importantly I discuss things that have really been helpful for myself and others. I feel that I am on the cusp of putting all the pieces together at least for myself and as I recover want to share this information with others.
I have been researching fibromyalgia for group of nurses.., One of the nurses asked if there was any information on the occurence in the Afro-American population. I have been unable to find anything that addresses this. Do you know whetheer or not there is a difference in this group and the general poopulation in the US? Thank you.