I think you will be noticing a change in the tone of FibroHaven. For the past year I have been writing about all the changes I have made to improve my health – yoga, nutrition, support group, writing, etc.. Now that I am a working girl again, we will get to see first hand how much I have improved and what I need to do to maintain my current level of health.
After my first week I am feeling pretty good. I am back in sales. It is what I know and what I have done well for many years. I am really excited about the company I am with now. Very smart, professional internet marketing firm. Great potential for me as long as I do the work and maintain my health. And that is exactly what I plan to do.
I think what I am most concerned about is maintaining balance in my life. For example, I did not make it to yoga this week. My body is letting me know loud and clear that I need to get to a class soon. I have a lot of motivation to make that happen.
I didn’t realize how much I missed being a working professional. I love getting dressed up, getting motivated during sales meetings, going out and meeting with clients and strategizing with them on business opportunities. It is a completely different kind of satisfaction than the satisfaction I have experienced with FibroHaven – plus I get paid for it! Bonus!
I know I am in the honeymoon period with my new career. I know there will be days when I will feel awful and either have to push through it or take the time to recover. But it feels great to contribute again, and it feels even better to know that I did the work to prepare myself to go back to work. I made the changes and the choices that I knew would benefit me. I made the commitment to myself to take back a measurable amount of control of my health and my life.
When I signed on with my new company, I did so as a long-term commitment. But FibroHaven is my long-term commitment too. I plan to document my progress here, sharing what is working and what is not. Discecting what I can do better, and continuing to explore the many alternative and holistic options for better health and wellbeing. I am putting different stresses on my body now, so I may require different tools – like acupuncture. I have always believed I would benefit from acupuncture but could never afford it. Now maybe I can. It is like investing in a good business suit. Neccessary!
So yes, the tone here will be changing – but the voice will remain the same – all me. I will have some big decisions to make about my support group too. That may be a commitment I cannot continue, but there is time to figure that out. I have time. I have options. I have hope.
I saw this great quote on facebook the other day and I put it in my status:
I have become my own version of an optimist. If I can’t make it through one door, I’ll go through another door – or I’ll make a door. Something terrific will come no matter how dark the present. ~ Rabindranath Tagore
There is always a door. One way or another, there is always a door.
Its great to hear you are enjoying your new job! I look forward to continuing to read here and learn from you as you go along. I have been doing yoga and tai chi trying to figure out which one my body likes better.
Barbara I know you understand the challenges of change and adaptation. I hope my story can inspire you to find your doors when you need them. Yoga and tai chi. Awesome! I hope your body likes them both. They are such great mind-body practices. My Best!
It’s great to hear you’re enjoying the new job. I, too, am looking forward to reading about the progress. Wishing you many more good days than not-so-good. Take care, stay rested.
Thanks Sherlock. I love your wish for me! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and encourage me. I truly appreciate it!
Congratulations. I will be reading with interest, as usual. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Anna you are so special! Even though we are only virtual friends, your comments and encouragement have made a difference in my life. I am so happy to share this journey with you!
Congrats on the new job – what a huge accomplishment. Remember, you don’t have to ‘do it all’ today! Or this week…or this year! It sounds like you’re allowing yourself to ease in to the new schedule, and are being gentle with yourself about missing yoga. I could take a cue from you there.
Be gentle with myself. That is excellent advice! Thank you Kivlan! Somedays I need to hear that. I think many of us are overachievers and we forget to be gentle with ourselves. That being said – I must get to a yoga class! 🙂
That is absolutely incredible! Good for you! Best of luck to you!
Thanks Linda! I appreciate your enthusiasm. I have been pleasantly surprised with how well I am holding up these first two weeks at work. Guess I was ready!
Wow! Optimism,acceptance and hope- Keep up the great work. I miss you. Happy Thanksgiving!! Love you.
My friend! I have been thinking about you a lot lately. Lots to share with you. Maybe we can find the time to chat over the holiday. Thanks for your never-ending love and friendship over the years. How many chapters of our lives have we shared? Love & Miss You!