It has been too long since my last Things I Love post, which is ironic considering I am in the midst of one of the most loving times of my life and this is my place to write about all things I love. The time I am spending focusing on my health is restoring me, but I have missed writing here. I am determined to find a balance and get back to one of the things that has always centered and nourished me – writing.
Writing is a passion I can always remember having. When I was a young girl we lived in a very old house. My bedroom walls were covered with many layers of wallpaper. On a particular wall in my room there was a small hole hidden under the thick layers of wallpaper. I would sit and write letters about my inner most thoughts and feelings, and then I would neatly fold my letters and tuck them deep inside my bedroom walls. Thought after thought, and letter after letter rested inside those walls. For all I know the letters are still there.
Each letter I wrote helped me to release my fears, anxieties, and depressions. They gave me hope and made me feel connected to a source greater than myself. I always felt powerful and connected after writing my letters, although at the time I could not have expressed who or what I was connecting to. In fact I would address my letter to the unseen and all-knowing To Whom it May Concern. It gave me a sense of comfort to believe that there was someone/something that was concerned.
When I began this blog just over two years ago, in a sense it became that little hole in the wall for me – my space to share and process all my thoughts, fears, failures, triumphs, and epiphanies. And each of you became my To Whom it May Concern. And to my surprise my letters did not sit unnoticed. You took notice, whether you responded with a comment or a personal email, or even just read my letters and moved on, you have been here and given me the strength to continue writing. It has been a beautiful thing in my life, the catalyst really for my healing, and I thank you!
So when I am asked by FibroHaven members if I think they would benefit from starting a blog, my answer is always an emphatic YES! Whether you are passionate about writing or not, it is one of the most therapeutic things we can do. The benefits are endless.
From Health Benefits of Journal Writing, by Felice Willat
Marlene A. Schiwy, in her book A Voice of Her Own, talks about the healing dimensions of journal writing: “To create wholeness in our lives is to heal ourselves. Healing comes from the same root as whole and holiness. It is the attainment of wholeness of body, mind, emotions and spirit. For many women, The journal provides a gentle setting in which healing can take place. It offers one place where literally and symbolically, all of the pieces of one’s life finally come together.” And Lucia Cappaccione, author of The Well Being Journal, recognizes that illness can be a great teacher from within. “The most important message I learned from my disease is that the healing process is activated by a spiritual force that resides within. A journal can be a ‘living textbook’ for learning the lessons that the illness has to teach.”
I have learned so much about myself over the past two years of blogging about my illness. This is where it all began. FibroHaven – my little hole in the wall!
Whether you are inspired to begin a blog, or simply take up journaling, I encourage you to write, not just about your symptoms and your daily activities, but primarily about your inner thoughts and feelings. Research has shown that writing about your experiences reduces physical symptoms in patients with chronic illnesses, and isn’t that the goal for each of us. You find yourself here reading my thoughts because you are actively looking for ways to improve your quality of life. So – sit down, make yourself comfortable, and write about it!
Your posts are always so inspiring! Thank you for sharing your journey of healing. It always makes me feel better to read one of your posts.
Funny enough, the last couple of days I’ve been wondering if I should give blogging another try. I guess I got my answer!
Don’t you just love the way the universe works! How is your writing going Trisha? I hope you do start blogging again. Thanks for the kind words. It really helps to keep me motivated and to feel more connected.
I enjoyed your post!
Thanks Deb! As a fellow fibro blogger, I am sure you understand exactly what I mean.
I am so excited to have found your blog!! I have just recently been diagnosed with Fibro. and I am a yoga teacher/fanatic! Yoga has made such a difference for my body. I am looking forward to reading ways you have coped with fibro. I am taking a natural approach to wellness and would love to learn more from you:)
thanks for the inspiration.I know how therapeutic journaling is. it has helped me thru 20 years of fibromyalgia. your story of the letters in the wall is so beautiful. and I love the idea of addressing them to whom it may concern. I will try it.
I have just recently discovered your blog and find it very comforting.
Erin, I love that you are going to try addressing your writings “to whom it may concern.” It is somehow empowering or liberating to release your thoughts that way, and to release them to someone who is concerned – whoever that may be. Thank you so much for leaving a comment. Your comment comforts me! 🙂