A good friend and very wise soul said to me the other day – “It’s awesome that you’ve got such a love for yoga. Although I have to admit it seems a little sad for FibroHaven that it is no longer the light of your life…I think the two (yoga and FH) will mesh together eventually.”
It is true that my current journey in yoga teacher training school is keeping me from the work I began with FibroHaven. I write less here, I share less on facebook, and I am scheduling fewer in person meetings. But my love of FH has not faltered.
The truth is, I am just doing what I frequently urge each of you to do. I am honoring myself, my body, and the unpredictable nature of this condition we all live with by not doing more than I can, and by not allowing myself to feel guilty for the things I am not doing.
I have always said it is important to me to let FH develop organically. The reason for this is because it allows for variance and change. I give all that I can in each moment, which means some moments I am here and present, and others I am quietly in the background, but I am never far.
And she is absolutely right. One way or another, my certification as a yoga instructor will eventually tie into FibroHaven. Maybe in the form of podcasts, or a DVD, or wellness retreats. I am not quite sure yet, but my love for FibroHaven is equal if not greater to my love of yoga. Both inspire me. Both make me feel complete. Who knows where all this is going to lead? I don’t yet, but even if it doesn’t look like anything much is happening, I promise, it is.
I fully support you! This is wonderful > “The truth is, I am just doing what I frequently urge each of you to do. I am honoring myself, my body, and the unpredictable nature of this condition we all live with by not doing more than I can, and by not allowing myself to feel guilty for the things I am not doing.”
There are so many resources and so much wisdom in the archives here. Thank you for all you have given and all you continue to give.
Thank you Sandra! You always have and I truly appreciate you.
Dibs on the first wellness retreat!
You are so there!
As far as Im concerned your love is always felt Dannette! Do what you need to and it all works out! You go girl!!
Thank you Kim! Your support and encouragement means the world to me. I love that you take from FH what you can, and cheerfully wait for the next thing to come. You are the best!
I’m so glad you are taking your own advice and doing what works for you. I’m sure the two goals will meet because we all need balance in our lives and with our health.
very excellent artical
i really liked this artcal
actually i am student and li learn many things from this artical