I have written posts before on why it is important to “show up.” Why it is imperative that we take active rolls in our health and wellbeing. Just yesterday, at the gentle yoga class I teach, one of my support group members was sharing with someone the amazing things she has experienced since joining our local support group and beginning to practice yoga regularly with me. In her very generous way she was trying to attribute some of the benefits to me, but the fact is – she is the one doing all the work, making all the efforts to connect and heal. She is the one who keeps showing up, and her rewards have been many – and they are her rewards to celebrate and cherish. Not mine. She is a perfect example of what happens when we just show up.
Celebrating Showing Up
On this day last year, I showed up for my very first day of yoga teacher training. I showed up, and I wasn’t even enrolled. I was #7 on the wait list, but sitting home, waiting for an email letting me know a space had opened up didn’t feel right, so I showed up.
And the class was full, and there wasn’t a space, but I approached the teacher anyways, and before she could tell me “No, sorry, there is no space for you.” I had blurted out my story – “14 years of chronic illness, was introduced to yoga last year, the only movement I have been able to do, feeling so much better, want to understand why, want to share with others…” “Okay, okay” she said to me,” go sit down. You are in.”
Those three little words changed my life. Literally. This past year has been a roller coaster of self discovery, improved health, and a deeper, more meaningful existence. I see the world with a completely new lens, a more loving, compassionate, and hopeful lens. And it is all do to the practice and philosophy of yoga – and to the fact that I keep showing up – even with my ever present chronic illness and when the old instincts to shut down, isolate, and retreat are loudly screaming at me. I grab my mat, step out the door, and do the best I can that day. And if my best is just being there, that is what I do. I show up.
Celebrating My Birthday & Re-Birthday
On this day last year I was reborn, a new person, a new me. And I really like the new me. I still have a lot of kinks to work out, and a lot more to explore and discover about myself. It is a lifelong process. But the changes have been radical and significant. And here is the really cool thing about this day. It is my actual birthday. I was born on this day 42 years ago. For 42 years on this day I have celebrated my birthday, but today this day has new and deeper significance.
I didn’t have to show up to yoga school on this day last year, in fact I almost didn’t. I told myself it was just not meant to be at that time, and I could sign up again when the new program began. In fact, I had convinced myself it was a good thing I did not get in because it meant I would have more time to heal and strengthen my body, and to improve my personal practice. But something drove me to show up – my gut, my intuition, my desire to heal. I am so glad I listened.
Celebrating You
So today I have a lot to celebrate. Today is a very good day. And I am so fortunate and blessed to have this wonderful community to share my happiness with. Yes, I created FibroHaven, and yes, I organize and facilitate FibroHaven, but it would be nothing if not for you. If not for each of you who shows up in your own way – at local meetings, leaving comments on this blog, commenting and interacting on our incredible Facebook page – if not for each of you showing up, there would be no community. So thank you – thank you for adding to my blessings and giving me so much to celebrate today and everyday.
I am committed to continue to bring all my growth, improvements, and insights back to FibroHaven. Look for a new post in The Blue Print Series soon, and other exciting news about what I am doing personally that is going to help enrich our community. I have said it before, but never tire of saying it – Community is Everything.
Thank you!
Much Love & Celebration,
Thanks for the reminder. And happy birthday 🙂
Thanks Kathy, for the birthday wishes, and for always being a source of inspiration for me.
Dear Dear Dannette,
You have such a givers heart. Thank you for being so special everyday!!
Kimmi you make it so easy! You are such a joy. Thank you for being you!
Thank you for all you do to help inspire all of us! It’s deeply appreciated!:)
Thank you for your comment Bridget. If not for the generosity of people like you, taking the time to reach out and leave a comment, I would never have been inspire to continue writing and sharing.
Love your community and your blog. Wondering if you would email me to chat. I would love to give you a call and find out more about your blog lay out. I have not been able to get the clean clear look you have. Just what i am looking for. If you have time please contact me. Also I have had Fibro for 13 yrs. Now dealing with a much more serious illness Cryoblobulinemia Vasculitis. Looking to do serious networking to join forces with this very rare disease. Your help would be appreciated.
Hi Marianne,
Thanks for connecting with me here. I sent you a message on Facebook and am happy to network and consult anyway I can. ~Dannette
I was diagnosed with diabetes seven years ago, and I started getting complications such as renal failure. Someone suggested that I take homeopathic treatments (versus allopathic treatments) and I have been free of diabetes and renal failure.