What we eat can and does play a role in how we experience the symptoms of fibromyalgia and related chronic illnesses. Even if nutrition is not the initiating cause, it is a major contributing factor and can increase and prolong our symptoms. As the film says – food matters! And speaking from personal experience, I can directly attribute the recent improvements in my health to the majors changes I made in my eating habits – eliminating gluten and processed foods, and increasing lean proteins, and fruits and vegetables.
In her program The Eat to Beat Fibromyalgia Challenge, Deirdre Rawlings, PhD, ND, “presents a hand-held approach to removing the barriers to you having your body be pain-free so you can have more freedom to live life exactly how you want to.” In this 90-day group coaching system, Dr. Rawlings leads participants through her four Pillar system and guides them through the process with the help of guest medical experts.
Sounds great, but you are certain you can’t afford it?
Did you happen to notice this is a Giveaway?
From Deirdre Rawlings, Phd, ND.
Who Else Wants to End the Battle against Pain and Fatigue Using the Healing Powers of Food and Nutrition So You Can Feel Good Again?
Well today may be your lucky day because…
Deirdre Rawlings, PhD, ND, the creator of The Eat to Beat Fibromyalgia Challenge, is giving away 3 FREE scholarships to 3 people who cannot afford to pay for the program but would love to be a part of it. This is a $297 Value!
Here’s how to participate: Nominate a friend in need or yourself and tell us your circumstances and why you want to be part of this program and what you hope to get out of it.
We will select 3 people by this Friday, October 7 and help you on your way to feeling lighter, brighter, happier, and healthier!
Program runs from Oct. 4 to Dec. 20 — so Hurry and get your entries in!
Learn more about the program here: www.eattobeatfibromyalgia.com
Thank you Deirdre for this wonderful opportunity, and for asking FibroHaven to help you promote it.
How to nominate.
You can nominate a friend or yourself in three different ways. Which ever way you choose, be sure to state your circumstances and tell why you/your friend want to be a part of the program and what you/your friend hope to get out of it.
1. Leave a comment here on this blog post.
2. Leave a comment on this post on FibroHaven’s Facebook page.
3. Leave a comment on the Foods for Fibromyalgia Facebook page.
4. Email Deirdre directly at support@nutritionliving.com.
Act quickly! Winners will be announced this Friday, October 7th. Good luck!
Deirdre Rawlings is a board-certified naturopathic doctor and holistic health practitioner whose mission and purpose is to empower you with cutting-edge health and nutrition information with which to help you live a long and healthy life. Deirdre is a certified holistic nutritionist, master herbalist, and a certified health & wellness coach and graduated with a PhD in holistic nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health. She has written hundreds of health and nutrition articles and her recent book Food that Helps Win the Battle against Fibromyalgia, (published by Fairwinds Press, July, 2008), is endorsed by leading health authorities and experts such as Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Stephen Sinatra, MD, and Jonny Bowden, PhD.
I would love to be able to find out about how to incorporate healthier eating into a low-income budget. Any little thing I can do to help myself and family is a step forward 🙂
I would like to be considered for the opportunity to participate in The Eat To Beat Fibromyalgia give away, Ihave been fighting fibro what seems like eternity. I believe I can trace it to childhood.I still work as an oncology nurse. Iwork the night shift 12.5 hrs. 3 days a week.I have raised my 5 children with my husband of 28 yrs. We now try to enjoy time with our grandchildren. I am usually so fatiged after working I sleep for 10-15 hrs. This does not leave time for much else. I do my best to stay on top of treatments and research. I do squeeze in 2 days aweek water arobics. I believe if I could learn to eat better I would feel better. I don’t always cook on the days I work, and tend to miss meals. Your program would benefit me in this area. And help me be a better nurse,wife, mother and grandmother, At least one that is not always sleeping.
I am a working mother of two who has been fighting fibromyalgia since 2001. I have had to give up my career (I have graduate degrees in education and counseling but couldn’t keep up with a clinical job anymore) In the past several years I have been on a steady decline. Our finances are very tight; my husband has a decent job but our expenses continue to increase and our medical bills have always been high since I got sick. In addition, his work takes him out of the house M-F every week. Running a household by myself and taking care of the kids while I try to maintain some type of work life has drained me. I am 60 lbs overweight, am in pain daily and often don’t have the energy to function. I work two part-time jobs because I can’t handle a full time job and one of my jobs allows me to work at home a lot of the time. I am very interested in Deirdre’s program and have looked at her site frequently because I have been trying to wean myself off of medication. I am really nervous about the impact of constant meds and since it has been 10 years I really need to do something else. However, $300 is just too much for me to commit to anything other than what the kids need now. I would love the chance to be part of this because I think how I take care of myself is the key to finally feeling better. I have lost a huge chunk of my life to this illness and I really don’t know what to do anymore.
I would love to have help in learning the foods that cause me to flare. I have gone Gluten free before with no changes once I stopped. I try to eat as healthy as possible but with 2 jobs and not having time to cook, well it doesn’t happen very often. Plus buying healthier food cost more and with my husband not working on a regular basis it’s hard paying the extra cost. I fight fatigue every day and I’m sure part of it is my eating habits. I have Fibro, CFS, CPS, Sleep Apnea, PCOS, Endo, infertility, crushed L-5 disk with S1 and S2 fusing together and I just recently found out I have a pinched nerve at C-5, C-6. Working as a massage therapist I have to be really carful right now with my upper body. My 40 hr a week job I sit at a desk so it’s not too bad. It’s even harder for me with my diet since I have PCOS and hormonal imbalance, I can’t go completely gluten free, when I did it last time I had to have at least 1 piece of bread every other day. I don’t know why my system needs it but it does. The other thing is that I have a hard time eating weather it’s cause I’m in too much pain, my jaw hurts or I just do not feel like eating, then I get sidetracked and forget until I get home at 8pm and then it’s too late to eat. With having the PCOS I have a harded time losing weight and becuase of the medication I take for it certin food i just cant eat like lettuce. It doesn’t agree with my system at all the good thing is that neither does fast food LOL, luckily I dont eat it unless i really have a craving for it.
Hi i would Love to be considered for the free package but think i as i live in Scotland UK i wont have much chance but as the saying goes you have to be in it to win it .
I have fibro ,osteoarthritis ,myofascial syndrome my aunt who is a pensioner is also the same,life is difficult for us both i have 16year old Downs Syndrome daughter who is really hard work and i get really stressed at times with her that makes the pain worse :(i also don’t sleep lucky i only work 2 days as Pharmacy Dispenser Paige has challenging behaviour (but i wouldn’t part with her) 🙂 my aunt looks after her grandson as his mother was on drugs he is 12 year old very hard for her as well so it would be nice if either one off us got as we both are on a budget .
Trust you will choose most deserving thanks for the opportunity
Linda Fillis
Pick me!
I would like to be considered for the giveaway. I have been eating a diet of no gluten, dairy, soy, or corn, and take a bunch of vitamins and supplements to try to get my pain, ibs, depression and anxiety under control, but am not having any luck. I am really in a pretty desperate place at the moment and am very discouraged. I have been too sick to work a regular job, and I want and NEED my life back! Seems like every benefit you mentioned with this diet is appealing to me except for the losing weight. I am already very slender and cannot afford to lose any more weight… I think, though, that if your program helps my body to heal, my body will be able to digest and absorb properly and I won’t need to be concerned about dropping any more pounds. If your program works, I will share it with all I know! I hope you pick me. 🙂
Thank you for having this giveaway – I would love to be included
The idea of being pro-active in combating fibro is how I try to live my life. I refuse to focus on my symptoms or how I’m feeling or my circumstances. I won’t talk about them because that gives them too much power. I’d rather do all I can to rise above them. The one area I haven’t been able to get a hold of is the nutritional component and I’m convinced that if I can get a better grasp of it, I will be able to get a whole and holistic life back after way too many years of muddling through.
I nominate myself 😉
I have fibro and celiac disease. I went gluten free last June and found some relief from pain by doing that BUT not enough by far.
I would love to know other ways to affect positive changes in my body through food!
I know that I am probably considered high-functioning in terms of how debilitating fibromyalgia can be. I feel very lucky that medication has helped my quality of life tremendously. However, I am still left with some pain which does affect my ability to interact with my family, friends, co-workers, etc. In addition to the muscle pain and fatigue I am often incredibly foggy and unable to maintain concentration. Far worse, I feel, is the 30lb weight gain I have experienced. The weight, combined with the fatigue and fogginess is keeping me from being the best I can be. I have a 3 year old daughter and I would love to be able to have the energy to keep up with her for long periods of time every single day. Sometimes, I’m just not able to and it makes me feel like a bad mother. Furthermore, I have two sisters who also have fibro and I would love to be able to share what I’ve learned with them. Thank you for the opportunity to be considered for this incredible offer!
I am 61 years old and have been struggling with fibro for over 20 years.. At first I was tested for lupus, ms and who knows what else. I have been told so many times that there is nothing wrong with me that I really hate going to the dr with a new pain. When I had shingles this past summer I waited until I was broken out to see the dr so I would have proof there was something physically wrong. About 15 years ago I read a magazine article about fibro and thought “wow! I am not crazy!!” Then started on the process of trying to find a dr that would work with me. That isn’t easy and is not the whole solution. I have tried antidepressants, that just make me depressed, pain pills, that make me lethargic acd sleeping pills. I take a low dose of zolpidem tartrate (5 mg). That helps me to sleep, but only for about 5hrs. I don’t complain. It is better than no sleep! If I take a larger dose then I can’t sleep any more hours but can’t function the next day. I would love to get off the sleep meds all together!! I also have asthma and am almost 100 pounds overweight. I have discovered that I eat more when I am in pain. Kind of like a self medicating. I don’t exercise too much because it hurts. I am trying to get more walking into my life. I am the mother of three and grandmother of 12. My children and grandchildren bring great joy into my life. We are hoping to retire next year and I would love to join your program and learn how to live with less pain so I can enjoy retirement and the time I spend with my family. There are still lots of things I want to teach them and do with them, but I need the energy and to have less pain.
Thank you for considering me for this program.
Hi there,
I have such an easy life, compared to what I’ve just read… so I am not writhing about being picked… but I wouldn’t want to take part in a program either.
I am just after a book/leaflet, easy to transport to the supermarket, that would tell me what I can and can’t eat with the fibro, and maybe some recipes – but then again, I can cook (on a good day).
Thank you, and good luck to you ladies. You deserve a break and a bit of TLC-coaching!
I am 65 in Dec. and hqve hqd fibro at least 26 years. I am 40 pounds over weight. I have just started exercising again. Also have arthritis. What fun. NOT! Need help. Am a sugarholic. It makes me feel better, HELP!
I would like to nominate myself for this giveway. I am a newly single mom of 2 wonderful little boys ages 11 and 7. I have been suffering from fibro ans lupus for over 16 yrs, i am 33 now. I worked as a cardiac nurse until i could not do it anymore n2006. This disease has taken so much from me. Ive been n and out of the hospital for many years now. This disease has taken my life twice now, both times passing due to lung complications. Both times started as a cold but because of the pain n my chest i was unable to cough therefore developing pneumonia and I stopped breathing on two diff ocassions because of it. By the grace of God he has bought me back to my boys. The problems dying have caused are never ending. My husband, whom I had been with since 15, couldnt handle all the stress. He pulled away so “it wouldnt hurt so bad when i died”. He also became verbally abusive to both of my boys and myself. And just got worse from there. Needless to say we are no longer together, its been a year now. It has been a rough yr, not only physicaly and mentally but of course financially. Ive gone from no debt at all to almost $50,000. I want so badly to be the mom and women Im supposed to be. I know in my heart God would not have brought me back to my family if he didnt have plans for me. Right now Im so stuck dealing with all the pain and complications of this disease I cant do anything. Please give me the oppurtunity to get my health back and pain under control. This is the oppurtunity Ive been needing. Thank you so much for giving me the oppurtunity to share my story and for giving us all the oppurtunity to improve our health.
Dear All,
Thanks so much for your application for the Free Scholarship in the Eat to Beat FM Challenge program. We had almost 100 entries and it was by no means easy to choose who to give them to.
There were so many of you who applied and who are in need of support and our hearts go out to each and every one of you. We also added an additional 2 free scholarships for a total of 5.
The FREE Scholarships are being given to:
1. Linda Marie Charlton
2. Monica Ziegler
3. Amy Claire
4. Estee Wesley
5. Jacqueline Bui’s mom
You ALL deserve to have the support you need and desire but we only had 5 free scholarships in total.
However, as a way to provide some support to you we would like to offer you this special part-scholarship. Here’s what we’d like to give you…
If you would like to participate in the program, receive ALL 12 of the Lessons, all 12 of the Recordings, and all 12 Transcripts from each of the lessons, we will give this to you for only $76.
We will allow you to pay in 2 easy monthly installments of $38 each to make it more accessible and easier for you.
* Please note: This special low price doesn’t include the one-one-one private sessions or any of the additional bonuses being offered to the full paying course participants.
If you would like to join the program please send an email to Support@Nutri-Living.com and we will get you all set-up. You’ll be just in time for our LIVE Q&A guest medical expert call with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD who is waiting to answer all your questions!
The program will be available as a fully down-loadable version after we wrap the program on December 20 for $147.
At $76 this is an incredibly low investment for your health and healing and we encourage you to act now and take advantage of this amazing opportunity! We won’t be offering it at this rate again.
Look forward to having you join us!
Health, love and support,
Too exhausted and in pain to write. Pick me! !
Believe me when I say, I would love to learn more about your plan, but I’m sure I won’t be picked because I’m not going to share my sob story in a comment on the internet. It’s way too private and painful. Can I get more info on what to eat though? I crave information and will use it! Thank you:-)
I have always felt that eating the right way would improve symptoms, and have researched this for several years but not found what I felt was a sure plan. I am glad to have found this site. I would love to win and be able to share what I learn with friends and family that also battle this horrible illness. Thank you!
FibroHaven – I have searched like crazy everywhere on this site – but there is just no other way to contact you than to do a comment like this one. Sorry if this in not appropriate.
I wanted to contact you to invite you to participate in beta testing for a Fibromyalgia focused web application aimed at assisting people in tracking their symptoms and treatment efforts. Not trying to sell you anything, but have read your blog and would really love to get your feedback on what I am building.
If you are interested in learning more please email me.
Terry Springer
Hi Terry,
My email can be found on the “About” page. But if you would like to send me information about the testing, please send it to dannette (at) fibrohaven (dot) com. Thank you!
Dear Heather,
Thanks so much for your application for the Free Scholarship in the Eat to Beat FM Challenge program. We had almost 100 entries and it was by no means easy to choose who to give them to.
There were so many of you who applied and who are in need of support and our hearts go out to each and every one of you. We also added an additional 2 free scholarships for a total of 5.
The FREE Scholarships are being given to:
1. Linda Marie Charlton
2. Monica Ziegler
3. Amy Claire
4. Estee Wesley
5. Jacqueline Bui’s mom
You ALL deserve to have the support you need and desire but we only had 5 free scholarships in total.
However, as a way to provide some support to you we would like to offer you this special part-scholarship. Here’s what we’d like to give you…
If you would like to participate in the program, receive ALL 12 of the Lessons, all 12 of the Recordings, and all 12 Transcripts from each of the lessons, we will give this to you for only $76.
We will allow you to pay in 2 easy monthly installments of $38 each to make it more accessible and easier for you.
* Please note: This special low price doesn’t include the one-one-one private sessions or any of the additional bonuses being offered to the full paying course participants.
If you would like to join the program please send an email to Support@Nutri-Living.com and we will get you all set-up. You’ll be just in time for our LIVE Q&A guest medical expert call with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD who is waiting to answer all your questions!
The program will be available as a fully down-loadable version after we wrap the program on December 20 for $147.
At $76 this is an incredibly low investment for your health and healing and we encourage you to act now and take advantage of this amazing opportunity! We won’t be offering it at this rate again.
Look forward to having you join us!
Health, love and support,