I have spent the past 8 days dealing with an awful case of hives, and the past two in a Benadryl induced coma to keep me from tearing my skin off. I had hives from my scalp and eyelids, all the way down between my toes. Maddening! Two other times in my adult life I have had similar outbreaks, and each time they have been brought on by stress. Do you think my body is trying to tell me that I do not process stress very well? Clearly I don’t, and I absolutely believe that my Fibromyalgia is also a function of this. Although it was a traumatic injury that caused the onset of my FM, I think … [Read more...]
At the end of my post about our trip to Hawaii, I promised to post on how the universe has a way of making sure that for every “great” moment, there is an equal if not greater “oh no, I can’t believe that happened” moment. I already mentioned that our laptop died somewhere over the Pacific, well in addition to that we had several other “oh no” moments to keep us laughing (which kept us from crying). I will try to make this short, because who really wants to hear a bunch of complaints about a trip to Hawaii – really! My husband suggested I name the post “Planes, Pains & … [Read more...]
Sitting Quietly
Do you know what is lost in today’s high-tech world of cell phones and electronic gadgets? - - - Sitting alone, quietly. I seldom see it happening anymore. Since developing Fibromyalgia I have worked as a freelancer in order to better manage my health and flare-ups. Freelancing comes with a lot of freedom, but it can also be isolating. To help combat this I go out and observe people often. It is important to my writing, and it is important to my mental wellbeing. If I find myself stuck on a topic I am writing about, or just completely void of inspiration, I leave the house. I have several … [Read more...]