When I sat down and wrote my first post on FibroHaven over three years ago, I could not have imagined the many miracles that would result from sharing my desire to be well. That is truly what began this journey - my frustration and isolation from the years of living with a debilitating chronic illness, and my unrelenting belief that I am so much more - that my life is so much more than my illness. Boy, was I right! Some of the miracles that have occurred since that day I am better I am a yoga instructor I have a huge network of likeminded friends to share, explore, love, learn, and … [Read more...]
Take Care of Yourself
Take care of yourself. Such a general statement, one we hear and say so often it loses impact. Words, just words. But what of the meaning? Today I pulled an Angel card that told me “Time-out! You’ve been so busy taking care of everyone else’s needs, but now it’s time to stop and take care of yourself.” I love my angels! This was exactly the perfect card for me today. But why did it take a message from my angels for me to acknowledge and give in to my need for rest? How often do you know you are in need of rest, but simply push through and ignore all the messages your body is sending you? … [Read more...]
The Comfort Found in Asking for Support
Do you allow yourself to ask for support? What does support look like to you? Let's face it, there are moments, days, weeks even when we are in need of support and simply don't ask. Something gets in our way - pride, fear, avoidance - so we suffer and struggle through on our own, likely prolonging our misery. And then to complicate our misery even more we grumble to ourselves and complain that no one understands, no one cares. Sound familiar? I know for myself, one of the hardest things in this world for me to do is to ask for help. And yet I still wonder and get frustrated when I feel I … [Read more...]
Planting Seeds of Wellbeing
When I share with family, friends, and support group members the progress I have made with my health the past few years, I often hear the phrase, “You are so lucky.” And they are right. I am lucky to not be in need of any prescription medications to treat my symptoms. I am lucky that my body is now able to maintain a regular yoga practice. I am lucky to have the energy and mental clarity to be working again. I am lucky that my flares are less frequent and shorter intervals. I am lucky… And while I understand that I am incredibly blessed for the wellbeing I am currently experiencing, hearing … [Read more...]
You Are The Sunny Side of FIbroHaven!
To celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of FibroHaven, this little blog that has somehow reached and touched thousands, I want to share with you a creed that describes what I am feeling these days and how I aspire to live - and perfectly reflects my love and hope for each of you who make FibroHaven what it is. The Optimists Creed Promise Yourself To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your … [Read more...]