I have written posts before on why it is important to "show up." Why it is imperative that we take active rolls in our health and wellbeing. Just yesterday, at the gentle yoga class I teach, one of my support group members was sharing with someone the amazing things she has experienced since joining our local support group and beginning to practice yoga regularly with me. In her very generous way she was trying to attribute some of the benefits to me, but the fact is - she is the one doing all the work, making all the efforts to connect and heal. She is the one who keeps showing up, and her … [Read more...]
A Life of Essence, Not Illness
Not that long ago my thoughts, emotions, and daily functions revolved around being sick. It was how I identified myself. I was sick, and living in a state of "I can't." Everything seemed like an enormous task and too big of a risk to take. I was certain that anything outside the safety of the small little zone of comfort I had made for myself would send me spiraling into the depths of my illness. I was sick. That was pretty much the entirety of who I was and the lens with which I viewed the entire world. But I was never happy or content with that state of being. Who is? Who could possibly … [Read more...]
Pain Does Not Reduce Potential
Potential - Noun: Latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness. When I think of my desire to get well, the idea of being "cured" has never been my emphasis. Would it be amazing if one day we are all completely free of fibromyalgia? Absolutely! But in my quest to live better, I have never focused on a cure as my destination. Instead of focusing on a cure - something I cannot control, I have tried to focus on my potential for living better in each moment - something I can control, and on building momentum during the good moments and minimizing the … [Read more...]
My Love Has Not Faltered
A good friend and very wise soul said to me the other day - "It's awesome that you've got such a love for yoga. Although I have to admit it seems a little sad for FibroHaven that it is no longer the light of your life...I think the two (yoga and FH) will mesh together eventually." It is true that my current journey in yoga teacher training school is keeping me from the work I began with FibroHaven. I write less here, I share less on facebook, and I am scheduling fewer in person meetings. But my love of FH has not faltered. The truth is, I am just doing what I frequently urge each of you … [Read more...]
Community is Everything
It's been one of those weeks. One of those weeks when all I have wanted to do is shut myself up in my room and lose myself in books, movies, and God willing, some good sleep. It is my (and I am sure most of our) default position to "retreat" and isolate when I am feeling bad. And it is a desire I have given in to many times throughout my illness. But I have noticed something. I have noticed that by staying present and showing up for my life and my responsibilities, I am frequently rewarded with beautiful distractions from the symptoms that would otherwise consume me. This has been an … [Read more...]