From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Procrastination is a behavior which is characterized by deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Psychologists often cite procrastination as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision. Psychology researchers also have three criteria they use to categorize procrastination. For a behavior to be classified as procrastination, it must be counterproductive, needless, and delaying. Procrastination Tales Of Mere Existence Counterproductive, needless and delaying ways I spent my time … [Read more...]
Stay Tuned – My Brain Will Be Back Shortly
I am having trouble writing an intelligent post. That Wellness Center which I love greatly, and which I believe is where I will begin to improve my health, well right now it has kicked me in the butt. I have been in a pretty significant flare since I tried the H2O Cardio class. It was basically high-impact aerobics in the water and I really should know better. I really need to stick with the gentle, low impact classes. If I do things that put me in a 2 week flare-up, well then I am less likely to be successful and I know that. So now I cannot exercise and I cannot write and I cannot do the … [Read more...]
My List of 10
In a recent edition of Fibromyalgia Aware magazine there was an article titled "10 Things You Should Never Say to a Fibromyalgia Patient," by Linda Meilink. Here are the ten things she listed: 1. I think I have that too. 2. My sister-in-law has fibromyalgia and she's still working. She says it helps to take her mind off the pain. 3. But you look okay. 4. Is that a real disease. 5. Maybe you just need some B vitamins. 6. Do you have any percocet? I could sure use one right now. 7. Well, we all start to ache when we get older. 8. Can you hold this box for me? I can't find … [Read more...]
Why I Have Neglected my Blog
I wasn’t going to talk about it. I probably shouldn’t talk about it. But now I am going to talk about it. I have spent the last few weeks preparing for a deposition for a lawsuit I am involved in. I have filed a claim against the insurance of a person who rear-ended me. I will not go into the details, but they are 100% liable, and the insurance company is 100% trying to screw me! This accident has changed my entire life. I gave up my lucrative sales position because I could no longer maintain my territory. I have suffered tremendous pain as a result of the accident and my Fibromyalgia … [Read more...]
Wasting Time on a Monday
So I was feeling very uninspired today to write a new and original post. Instead I spent the morning reading some of my favorite blogs. Over at one of my favorites, I Read Banned Books, she did this fun little post that I am stealing from her. Of course these are all my original answers, skewed a little due to the angry-chronic-pain-girl thing I have going on today. TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now: Thank you! Are you kidding me? Why? Really! Why? Where are you? I miss you. I wish I could help you more. You deserve better. You are … [Read more...]