I have a headache. My neck is killing me. I hurt. I can't believe how much pain I am in. I have made these or similar other complaints to my husband so many times that I wonder if he even hears them any more, or if he just knows based on my posture and my mood and my tone of voice. I mean really, how many times can he hear the same thing without becoming somewhat numb to it, desensitized. But my pain still shocks me. It still surprises me. It still has the ability to make me wonder how can I hurt this badly and still be functioning? I am not functioning very well today. Whatever … [Read more...]
And you can post from ANYWHERE!
So that was the plan. Go to Hawaii for Kim's wedding and take the laptop so I could keep up with my intentions of posting to my blog daily. Instead, somewhere over the Pacific, it decided it was not interested in participating and took a nap - forever! You know what they say about good intentions and best laid plans... Of course there were a few options to pay for online access - coffee shops, hotel lobby, etc. But that would have meant that instead of snorkeling with sea turtles and dolphins (and a puffer fish that I think might actually have been in love with me); instead of a … [Read more...]