I am an adventurous cook. I experiment with ingredients and flavors, seldom making the same dish twice. My husband always encourages me to write my recipes down, but I much prefer to "wing it" and see what tasty concoction I can create next. All the things that make me a spirited chef, make me a horrible baker. I simply have no tolerance for carefully measured preciseness. I learned long ago that baking is not my forte, and I avoid it accordingly. That being said, I recently discovered the easiest and most delicious Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookie recipe that even this girl can master. … [Read more...]
Tips for Easing Fibromyalgia Pain Naturally
With the June 30, 2009 vote by the Federal Drug Administration advisory committee to eliminate prescription acetaminophen-combination painkillers, Fibromyalgia patients have to be concerned. Concerns of abuse, addiction, and even cases of death, led to their recommendation to ban prescription painkillers like vicodin and percocet. The committee also voted to lower the maximum dose of over-the-counter painkillers with acetaminophen, like Tylenol and Excedrin, due to a rise in cases of liver damage. According to the FDA, acetaminophen remains the leading cause of liver failure in the U.S. It … [Read more...]
The Watermelon Credo
Watermelon has been a source of inspiration for me recently! Last week I was happily munching on some watermelon while on twitter and I posted this: "Is watermelon good for me? It seems too indulgent to be healthy! Yummm..." It was meant as a lighthearted comment, but it created such a buzz of enthusiasm for watermelon I was overwhelmed. So many people responded with health info, recipe ideas and an overall love of this super-fruit. Just take a look at this great article someone sent me on the health benefits of watermelon. Good stuff. On the 4th of July, my husband and I spent a fun and … [Read more...]
Gluten Intolerance: The Culprit Behind Many Chronic Illnesses
Do you ever find yourself feeling achy and fatigued for no apparent reason? Are you experiencing headaches, muscle and joint pain, irritability, bloating, or digestion problems? The symptoms you are experiencing may be an adverse reaction to the foods you eat. These are just a few of the many indicators of gluten intolerance, a condition gaining recognition as a contributing factor behind many chronic health issues. Gluten is the complex protein found in wheat, barley, rye and some oats. For many, our bodies are unable to digest these proteins properly. That headache you experience after a … [Read more...]
Best Chocolate Cake Ever! Just Happens to be Gluten Free
I recently made the health and lifestyle change to eliminate gluten from my diet. As a result I have more energy and brain function, and I have lost several pounds without much effort. But with the discovery of the Best Chocolate Cake Ever!, I may have to watch out in that last area. First my sis made it for my husband and I to congratulate us on how disciplined we were being with our new GF life. A perfect little 8 x 8 pan of sin! We cut into the cake and were amazed at how super moist it was. I looked at the little square of chocolate cake on my plate, and couldn't believe that it would … [Read more...]