I am feeling a little under the weather this week. Not only am I feeling the effects of the Takesumi I am taking for detox, I have a nasty little cold brewing. Wouldn't you know it, not that long ago I was bragging about how infrequently I am sick with a cold or the flu & bam! Now I have one - the universe's little way of equalizing my bravado with some humility. I am wondering if it is actually the Takesumi that has made me susceptible to getting sick. I have never been through a detox of any kind, so I am unfamiliar with what I am feeling. Note to self: remember to ask Dr. Shores said … [Read more...]
How My Fibromyalgia Got Superpowers!
The continuation of The Many Triggers of Fibromyalgia. "Life was good. But then my Fibromyalgia got superpowers! Dunt, dunt, duhn!!! To be continued…" Can Fibromyalgia have superpowers, or does it only feel that way? I am not sure, but on the morning of September 27, 2006, my Fibromyalgia intensified to a level I did not think was possible. I was driving to one of my sales accounts that was nearly two hours away. It was one of my least favorite accounts because of the distance, and because they were very high maintenance but very low volume. So I was already in a mood when the … [Read more...]
A Look Into My Holistic Journey
Last week was a busy week. I had a lot of events and appointments related to my Fibromyalgia support group and my own personal Fibromyalgia health plan. It was a great week full a little epiphanies and I am excited to share them with you. On Wednesday my support group had our laughter meditation (referred to as laughter yoga in my previous post) session with Sarito Sun, Laughter Healer and Coach, Hypnotherapist and Meditation Instructor. Now I have to admit I was a little skeptical about the evening. I watched the videos on laughter yoga and I wondered if I would be too self-conscious to … [Read more...]
The Many Triggers of Fibromyalgia
Most patients with Fibromyalgia can pinpoint the inciting incident they at least suspect was the catalyst that triggered their Fibromyalgia symptoms. But as is the case with all things Fibromyalgia, no two incidents are necessarily the same. For some it was post pregnancy or minor surgery when their symptoms began. For others it was after a viral infection or a bout of mono. Emotional stress is another common cause cited by patients. I have not come close to listing all the variables and possibilities that trigger Fibromyalgia, which clearly helps demonstrate the complexities doctors face … [Read more...]
Why I Have Neglected my Blog
I wasn’t going to talk about it. I probably shouldn’t talk about it. But now I am going to talk about it. I have spent the last few weeks preparing for a deposition for a lawsuit I am involved in. I have filed a claim against the insurance of a person who rear-ended me. I will not go into the details, but they are 100% liable, and the insurance company is 100% trying to screw me! This accident has changed my entire life. I gave up my lucrative sales position because I could no longer maintain my territory. I have suffered tremendous pain as a result of the accident and my Fibromyalgia … [Read more...]