Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works. - Virginia Woolf I am taking a writing class. It is a six week, creative nonfiction class on personal essay. Here is a short description of personal essay from my class syllabus: In his introduction to the definitive anthology on the subject, The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present, essayist Phillip Lopate writes, the personal essay “should certainly be celebrated, because it is one of the most approachable and diverting types … [Read more...]
A Not So Gentle Reminder!
I have spent the past 8 days dealing with an awful case of hives, and the past two in a Benadryl induced coma to keep me from tearing my skin off. I had hives from my scalp and eyelids, all the way down between my toes. Maddening! Two other times in my adult life I have had similar outbreaks, and each time they have been brought on by stress. Do you think my body is trying to tell me that I do not process stress very well? Clearly I don’t, and I absolutely believe that my Fibromyalgia is also a function of this. Although it was a traumatic injury that caused the onset of my FM, I think … [Read more...]