I subscribe to a newsletter from womentowomen.com. They are pioneers in the combination of alternative and conventional medicine in women’s health, and focus on underlying causes rather than simply upon the treatment of symptoms. They do have products and a health care program they are trying to sell, but even if you are not interested in becoming a client/patient, the information on the women to women site is a valuable resource. In their most recently newsletter, the main article was a feature on Fibromyalgia: Treating Fibromyalgia Naturally — So You Can Shine Again. I found this to be … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia Improvement with Takesumi Detox
I am feeling a little under the weather this week. Not only am I feeling the effects of the Takesumi I am taking for detox, I have a nasty little cold brewing. Wouldn't you know it, not that long ago I was bragging about how infrequently I am sick with a cold or the flu & bam! Now I have one - the universe's little way of equalizing my bravado with some humility. I am wondering if it is actually the Takesumi that has made me susceptible to getting sick. I have never been through a detox of any kind, so I am unfamiliar with what I am feeling. Note to self: remember to ask Dr. Shores said … [Read more...]
4 Simple Daily Habits to Help Manage Your Fibromyalgia
For the estimated 10 million Americans living with fibromyalgia, there is nothing “simple” about it. The daily battle with widespread pain, fatigue, and mental fog can be debilitating. Trying to be a productive person under these conditions is a challenge. Fibromyalgia sufferers struggle every day coping with this “new” version of their lives. Gone is the independent, productive person you once were. In place is someone left wondering, “How am I going to contribute today?” And it is not simply how am I going to contribute to my job, to my home, and to my family, but how am I going to … [Read more...]