I was invited by my friend Kathy over at The Fibrochondriac to participate in her blog carnival. The theme of her carnival is: What do you want people to know about you? I was surfing around through my old posts, looking for an appropriate one to share, and I came across this post I originally published October 13, 2008, the same month I began my blog. Selflessly Selfish I struggle every day with who I am. I am different because of the Fibromyalgia. I am not the independent, fiercely productive person I once was. Every morning I envy (but am grateful for) my husband and his ability … [Read more...]
Balance – Or the Lack Thereof
When I thought about what my first post in over a month should be, I could only think about how difficult it has been to balance my new professional career with my on going FibroHaven responsibilities. First let me start by saying I am thrilled to be working again. Thrilled that my body is cooperating for the most part. Thrilled to be out in the world, making connections, networking, and feeling like a productive person again. Is it horrible that my self worth is so closely tied to my ability to make a paycheck? All my work on FibroHaven was satisfying emotionally and spiritually, but … [Read more...]
What is Your Voice Telling You?
I was standing in my favorite Starbucks last week. My mood was heavy and pensive - wondering about my current path and recent choices, lamenting my time away from FibroHaven - and then I read this on the cover of a beautiful book of quotations: Throughout your life there's a voice that only you can hear. It's a call to the true value of your life - a call to make a difference that only you can make. If you never hear it, something magical will be lost. But if you hear it and heed it, then your life will become a wonderful romance and adventure. Now is the time. Jump in. Make a splash. Change … [Read more...]
What Did You Do?
What did you do? I've been asked this question a lot since returning to work. What did you do before this? It is an interesting question and I don't think I have decided how to answer it yet. Do I tell them about the accident that brought my life to a screeching hault? Do I tell them about the months spent struggling to regain my ability to speak coherently? Do I tell them about the pain, the bouts of depression, the fatigue, and general disconnect from life? Do I tell them about starting this blog? Do I tell them how I was so inspired by this blog I started FibroHaven Foundation? No, I … [Read more...]
Happy First Anniversary FibroHaven
FibroHaven is One Today! One year ago today I sat down at FibroHaven for the first time and wrote this - Welcome! In my very first post I shared what I hoped and intended to accomplish with my blog: I have found the blogs I like best are the ones whose authors are aware they have an audience, yet they speak with a realness and simplicity. They are authentic. I image if I met the author they would be exactly as they sound on their blog. That is the approach I hope to take in my writing. I want to be real. One year later I think my blog is exactly as real as I was hoping it would … [Read more...]