Today is a proud day for me. Today I get to introduce you to a new member of our Fibromyalgia blogging community, Kathy of Fibrochondriac (don't you just love that name?). But Kathy is not just any blogger to me. She is also a member of my local FibroHaven support group. I am so happy and proud to have another FibroHaven voice on the web. I have mentioned before, we are a resourceful bunch, so expect a lot of topical and useful information at Fibrochondriac. I could tell you that I appreciate how thoughtful and well-researched Kathy is, or I could tell you that she challenges me to think … [Read more...]
No, You Are Not Seeing Double
If I am here, can I also be over there? Yes, I can! I am honored to say, I have been asked by Everyday to become their new featured Fibromyalgia blogger. It has been in the works for sometime, and I have been quietly posting for a few weeks now, but I have held off announcing it until their new blog software and redesign goes live. Unfortunately there have been delays, and since the link to my blog will remain the same, I have decided to go ahead and share my happy news with all of you. Fibromyalgia Health Haven is the name of my Everyday Health blog. I will be contributing an … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia: The Great Momentum Equalizer
Wow! Last week was bad. Hell really. One of my most intense flare-ups I have had in a while; the kind of pain and fatigue that literally distorts your facial features. The few times I bothered to look in the mirror last week and take inventory, I was amazed at how awful the stranger peering back at me looked. It was a really long week. It was nothing new. We have all been there. We will all be there again. Then why, each time I suffer that severe of a flare, does it all seem so desperate and unending? Fibromyalgia is such a bitch! Just go back and read my last post written on a good day … [Read more...]
I Am Feeling So Lucky and Supported!
Last night I had another great Fibromyalgia support group meeting. The structure of the meeting was new for the group; each of us brought books we have read that have had a positive impact on our lives in one way or another. Members brought books on topics from self-help and memoir writing to Lake Wobegon. A very clever member shared a book that has had the greatest impact on helping her with the dreaded fibro fog - a notebook! Seriously, everyone of us should have one close by at all times, and what ever you do, don't lose it like I did mine. Devastating! As each meeting does, last … [Read more...]
Online Resources for Fibromyalgia Support and Information
Part 3 of my series on Fibromyalgia Support and Information. In my previous posts I listed the main social networking sites (part 1) and group forums (part 2) available if you are looking to join an online community for support, encouragement, camaraderie, or just to have a place to vent. My inspiration for putting these posts together is to help alleviate the potential for isolation if you are living with Fibromyalgia or most any chronic illness. For this post I am going to focus on general resources available, like blogs and websites. Again, this is just a partial list of what is out … [Read more...]