There has been much speculation recently as to the status of the National Fibromyalgia Association due to their recent staff layoffs and cutbacks on major programs and services. Many of us have been left frustrated with their silence as to the state of things. For me, I was most concerned that the FM community would lose its most visible non-profit voice. Despite its recent struggles, the NFA has been the leader in bringing focus, awareness, and understanding to fibromyalgia. We have all benefited, if even indirectly, from their efforts. If there is one constant in life - it is change. And … [Read more...]
Community is Everything
It's been one of those weeks. One of those weeks when all I have wanted to do is shut myself up in my room and lose myself in books, movies, and God willing, some good sleep. It is my (and I am sure most of our) default position to "retreat" and isolate when I am feeling bad. And it is a desire I have given in to many times throughout my illness. But I have noticed something. I have noticed that by staying present and showing up for my life and my responsibilities, I am frequently rewarded with beautiful distractions from the symptoms that would otherwise consume me. This has been an … [Read more...]
Yoga for Fibromyalgia on
Twice on FibroHaven I have had the pleasure to share with you the wonderful resource Yoga for Fibromyalgia by Shoosh Crotzer. In Tips for Easing Fibromyalgia Pain Naturally, I shared an excerpt from Shoosh demonstrating her Healing Breath Technique, and then in Book Review: Yoga for Fibromyalgia, I shared with you her wonderful philosophy and structure for the book, and was pleased for the opportunity to partner with her publisher Rodmell Press in giving a copy away to one lucky commenter. And now I am happy to share that healthy living for women website,, has posted a great … [Read more...]
Pain is Part of the Process
Today is a day of recovery for me. Most people do not attend a restful and healthful three day yoga retreat and then come home to recover, but such is the nature of life with chronic illness. Yet I will welcome this time of recovery over and over again if it means I can continue on this path to wellness. I have learned many things so far on my path, and the one lesson that appears repeatedly is that this is a process. Healing takes time, and although I am caring for myself better than I ever have, there is still an unpredictable nature to fibromyalgia I cannot avoid. Setbacks, sidesteps, and … [Read more...]
When Food is Not Medicine
There is some debate among patients of chronic illness whether nutrition is a contributing factor to our illness. I can only speak to my truth on this matter, and for myself it is an emphatic yes. When I think back to the days after both traumas - the first that triggered my fibromyalgia and the second that exacerbated my symptoms - I clearly see that my eating behaviors contributed to my dis-ease. Before the first head trauma I had what I consider healthy eating habits. But as soon as I became couch-ridden, trying to recover my ability to speak coherently, I turned to food as a source of … [Read more...]