In a recent edition of Fibromyalgia Aware magazine there was an article titled "10 Things You Should Never Say to a Fibromyalgia Patient," by Linda Meilink. Here are the ten things she listed: 1. I think I have that too. 2. My sister-in-law has fibromyalgia and she's still working. She says it helps to take her mind off the pain. 3. But you look okay. 4. Is that a real disease. 5. Maybe you just need some B vitamins. 6. Do you have any percocet? I could sure use one right now. 7. Well, we all start to ache when we get older. 8. Can you hold this box for me? I can't find … [Read more...]
No Resolutions Here, Just Resolve
I think by now everyone knows that something like 85% of all resolutions fail, so why commit yourself to something with only a 15% success rate? I made a resolution years ago to not make any more resolutions, and that is the one resolution I have stuck with. This year Rob and I are resolved to improve our health. We are both turning the big 4-0 in 2009 and have decided we want to spend the next decade healthier than we did the last. Because of my Fibromyalgia we have not been able to do the hiking, backpacking and other outdoor activities we once enjoyed doing together. An unfortunate side … [Read more...]
Unexpected Kindness
I was inspired to write this post by Moonbeam McQueen and her Blue Buffalo post. A really nice man did a really nice thing at the best possible time and Moonbeam wrote a lovely post about it. I encourage everyone to go read it. Moonbeams's post was simmering nicely in the back of my brain yesterday while I was having lunch with my sis and my niece. My niece loves to dig through my purse - she has been doing it since she was a toddler and for the life of me I can not imagine why. My purse must be so boring compared to her Mom, the glamour Queen's! I keep a notepad in my purse to help … [Read more...]
Current State of Acceptance
I have no idea how devoted bloggers manage to keep their posts up in December. I am desperately behind. No time to research and write an interesting and/or educational post, so I thought I would just write about how busy December is and how difficult it is for me to manage it all with Fibromyalgia. Busy for me with FM is different that it used to be - parties, dinners, lunches, shopping, decorating - I used to thrive on everything Christmas. Now I have to pace myself. I no longer decorate rooms with Christmas paraphernalia, now I am happy to have a simple tree decked out with all of my … [Read more...]
Score One For the Support Group
It did not take long for my moderator responsibilities for the Fibromyalgia support group to get interesting. This past weekend one member showed her ambition and several others showed their displeasure. I organized the support group through an online social networking site. They are masters at making it easy and organized to start your own group. Before this weekend, the only requirement to join my group was to live locally and be suffering from Fibromyalgia and/or chronic pain/illness. Of the 23 members, 22 joined because they were genuinely looking for information, coping skills, community … [Read more...]