As a fibromyalgia patient, what are your expectations when you arrive for your doctor appointments? Do you arrive prepared to work with your doctor on how best to manage the troubling symptoms of fibromyalgia, or do you arrive hopeful that he/she will have some treatment, some answer that will once and for all end your suffering? One of the first things I tell new members of FibroHaven support group - above everything - we need to learn to be our own best health advocates. Fibromyalgia is a condition with no known cure. There is not, and likely never will be, a single approach to treat and … [Read more...]
Brain Connectivity in Fibromyalgia Associated With Chronic Pain Intensity
A new study published in the August issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism finds that Fibromyalgia patients have greater connectivity in regions of the brain known to process evoked pain. Researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) on 36 female subjects - 18 fibromyalgia patients and 18 healthy subjects - to obtain their newly published results: Our results clearly show that individuals with FM have greater connectivity between multiple brain networks and the insular cortex, which is a brain region previously linked with evoked pain processing and hyperexcitability in FM," … [Read more...]
Find the Space Between Pleasure and Pain, and Rest There
Recently a great conversation began on the FibroHaven Facebook page when I asked this: What do you do when you are having a relatively good day, but suddenly hit a wall? Do you push through, or do you slow down and give in to it? There is a BIG brick wall looming just ahead of me. Can't decide if I want to try and hurdle it or lay down before I smash my face into it! Let's discuss. I would love to know how you manage. There were many great responses that are worth taking the time to read. After reading them I knew I wanted to continue the conversation with a new blog post, and as often … [Read more...]
Want to See My Vulnerable Side?
Last February I had the opportunity to hear a keynote address from motivational speaker and life coach Mike Robbins. Mike is a regular contributor to Oprah Magazine and Huffington Post, and has written two bestselling books, Focus on the Good Stuff, and Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken. His presentation was authentic and motivating, and pretty much everyone in the room left with copies of his books and a warm feeling in their heart. You know how it is in those moments when you get completely inspired - everything is brighter in that instant and you know your life is forever going … [Read more...]
You Don’t Have to Like it to Accept it
I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a new member of my local FibroHaven support group. Like so many who are learning to come to terms with their diagnosis, she is struggling with her current state of being. Repeatedly throughout our conversation she stated "I can't accept... (fill in the life changing aspect of chronic illness here)." Sitting before me was a former athlete and high-level executive who had the rewarding life she worked hard to create stripped away when she crashed with chronic illness. Everything she had once identified herself by is gone, and what is left is a … [Read more...]