I am an adventurous cook. I experiment with ingredients and flavors, seldom making the same dish twice. My husband always encourages me to write my recipes down, but I much prefer to "wing it" and see what tasty concoction I can create next. All the things that make me a spirited chef, make me a horrible baker. I simply have no tolerance for carefully measured preciseness. I learned long ago that baking is not my forte, and I avoid it accordingly. That being said, I recently discovered the easiest and most delicious Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookie recipe that even this girl can master. … [Read more...]
Relaxation Technique for Pain Control
Week two of the Pain Coping Skills research study. Following up on the Progressive Relaxation guided technique of week one, in week two we learned a simple and useful technique called Mini-Practices. Mini-Practices For relaxation to benefit you the most, you need to learn how to relax and calm yourself upon your command. This skill can be very helpful when you are feeling increased tension or pain, but are unable to go to a secluded area to do progressive relaxation. To Do a Mini-Practice: Stop yourself in whatever you are doing Take a deep breath Say the word "relax" to … [Read more...]
Cognitive Coping Skills for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia
Did you miss me? This time of transition in my life has been trying to say the least. An emotional roller coaster would be a better way to describe it. One second I am excited by possibilities and the next second I am crushed with defeat. Sounds a lot like life doesn't it? It just so happens that a research study I was slated to participate in months ago started up last week. It is a local study on yoga and cognitive coping skills for the treatment of Fibromyalgia. I was hoping to end up in the cognitive group since I already have a good handle on the yoga, and since the trials of this … [Read more...]
Happy First Anniversary FibroHaven
FibroHaven is One Today! One year ago today I sat down at FibroHaven for the first time and wrote this - Welcome! In my very first post I shared what I hoped and intended to accomplish with my blog: I have found the blogs I like best are the ones whose authors are aware they have an audience, yet they speak with a realness and simplicity. They are authentic. I image if I met the author they would be exactly as they sound on their blog. That is the approach I hope to take in my writing. I want to be real. One year later I think my blog is exactly as real as I was hoping it would … [Read more...]
Change, Adaptation, and the Amazing Race
Change is a constant. We all know that. So if change is constant, the only variable then is in our ability to adapt. I was watching the Amazing Race Sunday night. It really is an interesting study on human nature and the ability to adapt to constant change - to the unknown. It is remarkable how certain temperaments rise to the top as they excel at adapting to unknown situations, while others battle themselves and their own teammates while flailing wildly at the unknown. The ever important clue box is a great example of what I mean. Teams are given a general direction and told "that is … [Read more...]