I am realizing today the shift my new writing assignment is forcing me to make with my blog. You see I have tried very hard to make my blog specific to Fibromyalgia, how it affects my life, news and information on Fibromyalgia, etc., but I am realizing that there is a reason I have not been writing about Fibromyalgia everyday. Mainly it is because I do not want to THINK about Fibromyalgia everyday. When I got up this morning my first thought wasn't "I wonder what new and exciting thing happened in the world of Fibromyalgia overnight." No, it was more along the lines of "Mmmm, coffee." and … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia Food Mood Diary
Interesting things are happening since going gluten free. I have become more aware of how food makes me feel, and how it is supposed to make me feel (In addition to the improvement in my Fibromyalgia symptoms). In the past a lot of my meals would begin either low carb or gluten free, not because I was consciously avoiding carbs or gluten, but because that is what I wanted to eat. For instance, one of my favorite breakfasts to cook is scrambled eggs with ham, swiss & fresh spinach wilted in. My husband and I love this for breakfast. And after eating it we would both feel satisfied and … [Read more...]