Last February I had the opportunity to hear a keynote address from motivational speaker and life coach Mike Robbins. Mike is a regular contributor to Oprah Magazine and Huffington Post, and has written two bestselling books, Focus on the Good Stuff, and Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken. His presentation was authentic and motivating, and pretty much everyone in the room left with copies of his books and a warm feeling in their heart. You know how it is in those moments when you get completely inspired - everything is brighter in that instant and you know your life is forever going … [Read more...]
Let’s Not Call it Exercise, Let’s Call it Mindful Movement
Say the word "exercise" to a person with Fibromyalgia, and you will most likely get a negative response. Exercise is a harsh and ugly word. It has become synonymous with pain to most of us. Rare is the Fibromyalgia patient who embraces exercise. Not only does it elicit a pain response in most of us, but it also sends our defenses up. Too, too many times we have heard the unsolicited advice, "If you would only exercise you would feel much better." We could all give examples of some of the insensitive and inaccurate things we have heard, that is not at question here, but what is under … [Read more...]
Your Illness May Be Invisible, But You Are Not
In support of National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week I am approaching the one year anniversary of my blog. I have grown a lot over the past 11 months. I have made many wonderful new contacts. I have learned to be more open and honest about my health - with myself, and with my family and friends. I understand more about the causes and contributing factors of Fibromyalgia. I could go on and on about my growth, but this post is not about me. This post is a celebration of you. If you were to ask me the most important thing I am taking away from this past year, I would say YOU. From the … [Read more...]
Lynne Matallana and The National Fibromyalgia Association
If you are not already familiar with Lynne Matallana and The National Fibromyalgia Association, you should become so. Lynne founded the NFA in 1997, and has turned her hard work and advocacy for Fibromyalgia patients into the largest nonprofit organization working to support people with fibromyalgia and other chronic pain illnesses. Lynne and the NFA are at the forefront of our Fibromyalgia crusade. Spend some time on the NFA's website and you will see that they are the leaders in Fibromyalgia awareness and advocacy. Today I want to share with you this very important video of a presentation … [Read more...]
Today I am the Tortoise, not the Hare
Do you ever feel like you have bitten off more than you can chew? Man I have a lot going on right now - a lot of good things going on right now. I have teased in the past that I am working towards bigger and better things for FibroHaven. I want this to be more than just a blog where I come to relieve my tension, share my experiences, and hopefully educate and entertain you. I want this blog to be the foundation for a whole infrastructure of community, heath, and wellness, which we are all so hopefully pursuing. And I am working on it. To that end, I am finding that each day I have more … [Read more...]