What's that? You have never heard of Free Lunch Fridays? Well then you need to meet my sister, because she is so awesome and loving, and she would totally invite you to come! My sister lives about an hour away from me, but a few months ago she accepted this really great job just a few miles from my house. Ever since she started working there, we have made the effort to have lunch together at least once a week. Okay, so our lunch date is not always on Friday, but it is always fabulous! We laugh and gossip and complain and sympathize and share and laugh some more. Even though we text and … [Read more...]
It’s All Over But the Hurting
It is over. All the work, and the cleaning, and the cooking, and chaos that is Thanksgiving, it is over. All that is left is to heal (and some really yummy leftovers). I am tired and sore, but I feel good. It was such a nice day and everyone was a huge help. It was like a crazy ant farm in my kitchen in the moments leading up to dinner, and then again during the clean up. I just love all the chaos of bumping elbows and the buzz of ten different conversations going on at one time. I feed off the energy. My Uncle said grace for dinner and I could just hear him over Joe Buck’s commentary on the … [Read more...]
Things I Love #1: Sudoku
This is the first in a series of post I am going to do about things I love. These are things that lift my spirits and help get me through my good and bad days. They are in NO PARTICULAR ORDER, so the fact that post #1 is not about my husband does not make me the worst wife on the planet! How I battle Fibrofog. Sudoku! For those of you unfamiliar with Sudoku, the object is to fill a 9x9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 boxes contains the digits from 1 to 9 only one time each. Digits cannot repeat in box, row or column. It is a simple concept but … [Read more...]