I had a good day yesterday, a really good day. It was the kind of day when the pain and fatigue of Fibromyalgia is just faint background noise. Like the noise from the street that you have to really listen for to even remember it is there. And my head! My head was oh so clear and cognitive. Every thought and memory came with clarity and ease. Yesterday was a great day, a day of possibility and I was awake and alive for every moment of it. So I embraced yesterday. I took full advantage of yesterday. I used yesterday to its fullest and enjoyed every second of it. Yesterday is the reason I have … [Read more...]
Things I Love #3: Working From Home
Working from home may be one of the best things to come from living with Fibromyalgia. I have been forced to adjust my career to allow for flare-ups and for days when I am not suitable for human consumption. It has been a gradual transition from the full-time job I had when I was first diagnosed, to my current career as a freelance writer and homebody, but I am very pleased with the direction my career has taken. The doctor who diagnosed me told me plainly and simply, “You are going to have to change your life, and most definitely your career, but you will be able to live and work … [Read more...]
Why I Have Neglected my Blog
I wasn’t going to talk about it. I probably shouldn’t talk about it. But now I am going to talk about it. I have spent the last few weeks preparing for a deposition for a lawsuit I am involved in. I have filed a claim against the insurance of a person who rear-ended me. I will not go into the details, but they are 100% liable, and the insurance company is 100% trying to screw me! This accident has changed my entire life. I gave up my lucrative sales position because I could no longer maintain my territory. I have suffered tremendous pain as a result of the accident and my Fibromyalgia … [Read more...]
Wrestling Turkeys with Fibromyalgia
Note: No the turkeys do not have Fibromyalgia, I DO! (and bad grammar too). Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am hosting for 16 members of my family. This is my fourth consecutive year doing so. I love hosting, and I love spending time with my family, and I would not willingly give up the honor of having them all here tomorrow, but there is always the Fibromyalgia to consider. It is always there, like a big-old-ugly party pooper just waiting to smash me with its mallet of pain. I have to consider it in everything I do, otherwise there is nothing left to consider, I am just down for the … [Read more...]
False Hope for Fibromyalgia Patient
Some days I just get mad. Today is one of those days. Hell, I’m not mad; I am pissed. I need to stop censoring myself just because I don’t want to offend anyone reading this. I am pissed! I’m pissed that I still have hope – hope that somewhere inside me there is still a vibrant healthy person, but everyday I feel myself slipping further and further away from her. I am pissed that I cannot just wake up in the morning and take control of my day. I am pissed that I can’t always finish the laundry when it needs to be done or scrub the damn toilet. I am pissed that my head and neck hurt so … [Read more...]