Recently a great conversation began on the FibroHaven Facebook page when I asked this: What do you do when you are having a relatively good day, but suddenly hit a wall? Do you push through, or do you slow down and give in to it? There is a BIG brick wall looming just ahead of me. Can't decide if I want to try and hurdle it or lay down before I smash my face into it! Let's discuss. I would love to know how you manage. There were many great responses that are worth taking the time to read. After reading them I knew I wanted to continue the conversation with a new blog post, and as often … [Read more...]
The Language of Fibromyalgia
I have been thinking a lot lately about language, and about how our thoughts and words influence our beliefs and actions. If I say "I am in a lot of pain today," does that influence the way I deal with my pain that day? I think it does. Pain is not a static mass. Sit quietly and pay close attention to your pain. It moves, it fluctuates, it varies. Now if I state to myself or out loud that I am in a lot of pain, I may not allow myself the awareness to focus on and appreciate the moments when the pain is less. Sometimes I will find that I am in a good frame of mind - despite whatever … [Read more...]
Happiness is a Choice, Not a Condition
When I bought my husband tickets to the Carlos Santana concert in Vegas, I was excited because I knew how much he was going to enjoy and appreciate the experience. I had no idea that I would get so much out of it as well. Carlos Santana is much more than a talented musician. He is a spreader of joy, love, and happiness, and he uses his wizardry with the guitar as his platform. Throughout the evening he stopped the music and spoke from his heart. He spoke of the energy that is within each of us, and how we can choose to focus it on the good in the world. He spoke of the beauty in humanity … [Read more...]
Things I Love #9: Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies
I am an adventurous cook. I experiment with ingredients and flavors, seldom making the same dish twice. My husband always encourages me to write my recipes down, but I much prefer to "wing it" and see what tasty concoction I can create next. All the things that make me a spirited chef, make me a horrible baker. I simply have no tolerance for carefully measured preciseness. I learned long ago that baking is not my forte, and I avoid it accordingly. That being said, I recently discovered the easiest and most delicious Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookie recipe that even this girl can master. … [Read more...]
Relaxation Technique for Pain Control
Week two of the Pain Coping Skills research study. Following up on the Progressive Relaxation guided technique of week one, in week two we learned a simple and useful technique called Mini-Practices. Mini-Practices For relaxation to benefit you the most, you need to learn how to relax and calm yourself upon your command. This skill can be very helpful when you are feeling increased tension or pain, but are unable to go to a secluded area to do progressive relaxation. To Do a Mini-Practice: Stop yourself in whatever you are doing Take a deep breath Say the word "relax" to … [Read more...]