Did you miss me? This time of transition in my life has been trying to say the least. An emotional roller coaster would be a better way to describe it. One second I am excited by possibilities and the next second I am crushed with defeat. Sounds a lot like life doesn't it? It just so happens that a research study I was slated to participate in months ago started up last week. It is a local study on yoga and cognitive coping skills for the treatment of Fibromyalgia. I was hoping to end up in the cognitive group since I already have a good handle on the yoga, and since the trials of this … [Read more...]
Processing Emotional Pain To Heal Your Physical Pain
I remember the shock I felt when I first realized there is an emotional component to my pain. I have always been a joyful person. I smile often, and it is the kind of smile I feel deep in my heart. Despite everything I have been through and live with daily, I have always felt fortunate and happy for my life. I knew I had unresolved anger and resentment, that is how I found myself in therapy, but I had no idea that I had been physically storing it in my body for years. It was several years ago now that my therapist tried to help me resolve my physical pain by dealing with my suppressed … [Read more...]
What is Your Intention?
Each time at the start of a yoga practice, the instructor asks that we set an intention for that day; "What is it you would like to focus on today to get the most out of your time here?" I usually struggle to find my intention and get caught up in trying to find the right answer. I pressure myself into thinking there is a really cool and purposeful thing I should be focusing on, and if I don't come up with it, I am missing out on some great ancient yoga secret. Sometimes I try to set grandiose intentions - freedom from all pain, anxiety, and conflict in my life, from here until eternity. … [Read more...]
Let’s Not Call it Exercise, Let’s Call it Mindful Movement
Say the word "exercise" to a person with Fibromyalgia, and you will most likely get a negative response. Exercise is a harsh and ugly word. It has become synonymous with pain to most of us. Rare is the Fibromyalgia patient who embraces exercise. Not only does it elicit a pain response in most of us, but it also sends our defenses up. Too, too many times we have heard the unsolicited advice, "If you would only exercise you would feel much better." We could all give examples of some of the insensitive and inaccurate things we have heard, that is not at question here, but what is under … [Read more...]
The Start of a New Decade
I turn forty this week. It is a milestone I am eager to embrace. I know, we women are supposed to fight aging with any means possible, but not me. Bring it on! I spent my twenties in a haze of parties and adventure. Oh the fun I had! I paid for that fun in my thirties. My thirties have been a decade of pain and frustration. After developing Fibromyalgia in my late twenties, I spent most of my thirties a slave to my symptoms. But that is all changing. It started with this blog, and all the research I do to stay informed and up to date. Knowledge is power I tell you. I am learning more and … [Read more...]