The continuation of The Many Triggers of Fibromyalgia. "Life was good. But then my Fibromyalgia got superpowers! Dunt, dunt, duhn!!! To be continued…" Can Fibromyalgia have superpowers, or does it only feel that way? I am not sure, but on the morning of September 27, 2006, my Fibromyalgia intensified to a level I did not think was possible. I was driving to one of my sales accounts that was nearly two hours away. It was one of my least favorite accounts because of the distance, and because they were very high maintenance but very low volume. So I was already in a mood when the … [Read more...]
Improve Your Fibromyalgia With Laughter Yoga
There are approximately 6000 clubs around the world that practice laughter yoga as a way to improve mood, health and overall wellbeing. Here is a description of laughter yoga from the official Laughter Yoga International website: Laughter Yoga is a revolutionary idea – simple and profound. An exercise routine, it is fast sweeping the world and is a complete wellbeing workout. It is the brainchild of Dr. Madan Kataria, an Indian physician from Mumbai who started the first laughter club in a park on 13th March 1995, with just 5 people. Today, it has become a worldwide phenomenon with more … [Read more...]
Things I Love #5: Free Lunch Fridays
What's that? You have never heard of Free Lunch Fridays? Well then you need to meet my sister, because she is so awesome and loving, and she would totally invite you to come! My sister lives about an hour away from me, but a few months ago she accepted this really great job just a few miles from my house. Ever since she started working there, we have made the effort to have lunch together at least once a week. Okay, so our lunch date is not always on Friday, but it is always fabulous! We laugh and gossip and complain and sympathize and share and laugh some more. Even though we text and … [Read more...]
Stay Tuned – My Brain Will Be Back Shortly
I am having trouble writing an intelligent post. That Wellness Center which I love greatly, and which I believe is where I will begin to improve my health, well right now it has kicked me in the butt. I have been in a pretty significant flare since I tried the H2O Cardio class. It was basically high-impact aerobics in the water and I really should know better. I really need to stick with the gentle, low impact classes. If I do things that put me in a 2 week flare-up, well then I am less likely to be successful and I know that. So now I cannot exercise and I cannot write and I cannot do the … [Read more...]
The Many Triggers of Fibromyalgia
Most patients with Fibromyalgia can pinpoint the inciting incident they at least suspect was the catalyst that triggered their Fibromyalgia symptoms. But as is the case with all things Fibromyalgia, no two incidents are necessarily the same. For some it was post pregnancy or minor surgery when their symptoms began. For others it was after a viral infection or a bout of mono. Emotional stress is another common cause cited by patients. I have not come close to listing all the variables and possibilities that trigger Fibromyalgia, which clearly helps demonstrate the complexities doctors face … [Read more...]