Do you ever feel that you are on the verge of something real, something good? Do you ever feel that despite all you are suffering with, or maybe because of it, that you are on the precipice of something deeper than you could have imagined, and that all you have gone through has brought you to this moment, to this time, and that everything is exactly how it is supposed to be? I feel that way right now. It started with my blog, which forced me to open up about the fact that I have Fibromyalgia, and about how very hard it is to manage my life sometimes. I feel like I have finally come clean, … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia Presents a Real and Significant Market Opportunity
Pardon me while I step upon my soapbox again. Excuse me while I clear my throat and take a sip of water. Give me just one moment to arrange my notes and organize my thoughts. Now please, stand back if you do not want to feel any of the vile comments I am about to spew forth. Here goes. I HATE DRUG COMPANIES! I hate that their sole purpose is to profit off the needs and health concerns of the public. I hate that they view every illness as an opportunity to line their pockets. I hate that they perpetuate a culture of sickness by treating symptoms and not caring to find a cure. Why would they … [Read more...]
Wellness Wednesday: Antidepressants and Fibromyalgia
The Fibromyalgia news wire is again abuzz with a new case study that has confirmed antidepressants reduce Fibromyalgia pain symptoms, fatigue, depressed moods and sleep disturbances. Here are the test results from JAMA - The Journal of the American Medical Association. CLINICIAN'S CORNER Treatment of Fibromyalgia Syndrome With AntidepressantsA Meta-analysis Winfried Häuser, MD; Kathrin Bernardy, PhD; Nurcan Üçeyler, MD; Claudia Sommer, MD JAMA. 2009;301(2):198-209. Context Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic pain disorder associated with multiple debilitating symptoms … [Read more...]
My List of 10
In a recent edition of Fibromyalgia Aware magazine there was an article titled "10 Things You Should Never Say to a Fibromyalgia Patient," by Linda Meilink. Here are the ten things she listed: 1. I think I have that too. 2. My sister-in-law has fibromyalgia and she's still working. She says it helps to take her mind off the pain. 3. But you look okay. 4. Is that a real disease. 5. Maybe you just need some B vitamins. 6. Do you have any percocet? I could sure use one right now. 7. Well, we all start to ache when we get older. 8. Can you hold this box for me? I can't find … [Read more...]
No Resolutions Here, Just Resolve
I think by now everyone knows that something like 85% of all resolutions fail, so why commit yourself to something with only a 15% success rate? I made a resolution years ago to not make any more resolutions, and that is the one resolution I have stuck with. This year Rob and I are resolved to improve our health. We are both turning the big 4-0 in 2009 and have decided we want to spend the next decade healthier than we did the last. Because of my Fibromyalgia we have not been able to do the hiking, backpacking and other outdoor activities we once enjoyed doing together. An unfortunate side … [Read more...]