Continuation of Online Social Networking for Fibromyalgia Support and Information. In my previous post I listed the main social networking sites available if you are looking to to join an online community for support, encouragement, camaraderie, or just to have a place to vent. My inspiration for putting these posts together is to help alleviate the potential for isolation if you are living with Fibromyalgia or most any chronic illness. For this post I am going to focus on the many online forums and support groups available. Again, this is just a partial list of what is out there, so feel … [Read more...]
Online Social Networking for Fibromyalgia Support and Information
On a recent post, Conversation on Isolation, I promised I would put together a list of online resources for Fibromyalgia and chronic illness support and information. Below you will find many - but not nearly all - links to social networking online resources. Because I am not an active participant of each site listed I am only making comments on the sites I have firsthand knowledge of. Please feel free to add to this list in the comments, or leave your thoughts, feelings, experiences on any of the listed sites. Due to the amount of information available, I am breaking this information up into … [Read more...]
Leave a Comment, You May Make a New Friend
When I began my blog last October it was most definitely a selfish endeavor. I wanted (and needed) a space of my own to vent, process, absorb and share what my life with Fibromyalgia is all about. Since the birth of my blog, I have had a personal awakening and now understand that I am so much more than what Fibromyalgia has taken away from me. Writing about my experiences has given me back the control that I let FM take away from me so many years ago. I have become more accepting of how my life has changed and more hopeful for what my future holds. The best part of my blog though has been … [Read more...]
Things I Love #5: Free Lunch Fridays
What's that? You have never heard of Free Lunch Fridays? Well then you need to meet my sister, because she is so awesome and loving, and she would totally invite you to come! My sister lives about an hour away from me, but a few months ago she accepted this really great job just a few miles from my house. Ever since she started working there, we have made the effort to have lunch together at least once a week. Okay, so our lunch date is not always on Friday, but it is always fabulous! We laugh and gossip and complain and sympathize and share and laugh some more. Even though we text and … [Read more...]
The National Fibromyalgia Association Pledge to Care
I have just recently become a member of the National Fibromyalgia Association. The NFA is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization whose mission is: To develop and execute programs dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with fibromyalgia. Their website is full of resources and articles about Fibromyalgia, as well as information on programs and regional support groups. In January of this year they began a campaign called Pledge to Care. The Pledge to Care is a way for family members, friends, and healthcare providers to show their support to persons with Fibromyalgia by making a … [Read more...]