William Collinge, PhD, MPH is a consultant, author, speaker and researcher in the field of integrative health care. He is conducting a study to see if Fibromyalgia sufferers can easily discover simple modifications in their patterns of daily living to markedly reduced their symptoms. The online study was slated to begin June 1, but due to several setbacks it has not launched and there is still an opportunity to be notified if you are interested in participating. To be added to a notification list, send a blank email to launch@fmwellness.net. Please read the news release below for more … [Read more...]
Gluten Intolerance: The Culprit Behind Many Chronic Illnesses
Do you ever find yourself feeling achy and fatigued for no apparent reason? Are you experiencing headaches, muscle and joint pain, irritability, bloating, or digestion problems? The symptoms you are experiencing may be an adverse reaction to the foods you eat. These are just a few of the many indicators of gluten intolerance, a condition gaining recognition as a contributing factor behind many chronic health issues. Gluten is the complex protein found in wheat, barley, rye and some oats. For many, our bodies are unable to digest these proteins properly. That headache you experience after a … [Read more...]
Current Psychiatry “Gets” Fibromyalgia
I read this article today in Current Psychiatry online magazine. It is a peer-reviewed magazine, meaning the articles are written for and to other psychiatrists. So reading it was kind of like listening in on their private conversation about Fibromyalgia - I didn't understand some of the technical terms used, but it was enlightening to read how the psychiatric world views Fibromyalgia and patients diagnosed with it. I have to say, I think they get it! At the very least the doctor who wrote the article does. Sharon B. Stanford, MD is the Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Family … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia Food Mood Diary
Interesting things are happening since going gluten free. I have become more aware of how food makes me feel, and how it is supposed to make me feel (In addition to the improvement in my Fibromyalgia symptoms). In the past a lot of my meals would begin either low carb or gluten free, not because I was consciously avoiding carbs or gluten, but because that is what I wanted to eat. For instance, one of my favorite breakfasts to cook is scrambled eggs with ham, swiss & fresh spinach wilted in. My husband and I love this for breakfast. And after eating it we would both feel satisfied and … [Read more...]