A good friend and very wise soul said to me the other day - "It's awesome that you've got such a love for yoga. Although I have to admit it seems a little sad for FibroHaven that it is no longer the light of your life...I think the two (yoga and FH) will mesh together eventually." It is true that my current journey in yoga teacher training school is keeping me from the work I began with FibroHaven. I write less here, I share less on facebook, and I am scheduling fewer in person meetings. But my love of FH has not faltered. The truth is, I am just doing what I frequently urge each of you … [Read more...]
Update on the National Fibromyalgia Association
There has been much speculation recently as to the status of the National Fibromyalgia Association due to their recent staff layoffs and cutbacks on major programs and services. Many of us have been left frustrated with their silence as to the state of things. For me, I was most concerned that the FM community would lose its most visible non-profit voice. Despite its recent struggles, the NFA has been the leader in bringing focus, awareness, and understanding to fibromyalgia. We have all benefited, if even indirectly, from their efforts. If there is one constant in life - it is change. And … [Read more...]