I am having trouble writing an intelligent post. That Wellness Center which I love greatly, and which I believe is where I will begin to improve my health, well right now it has kicked me in the butt. I have been in a pretty significant flare since I tried the H2O Cardio class. It was basically high-impact aerobics in the water and I really should know better. I really need to stick with the gentle, low impact classes. If I do things that put me in a 2 week flare-up, well then I am less likely to be successful and I know that. So now I cannot exercise and I cannot write and I cannot do the … [Read more...]
Viva la Vida
Do you ever feel that you are on the verge of something real, something good? Do you ever feel that despite all you are suffering with, or maybe because of it, that you are on the precipice of something deeper than you could have imagined, and that all you have gone through has brought you to this moment, to this time, and that everything is exactly how it is supposed to be? I feel that way right now. It started with my blog, which forced me to open up about the fact that I have Fibromyalgia, and about how very hard it is to manage my life sometimes. I feel like I have finally come clean, … [Read more...]
No Resolutions Here, Just Resolve
I think by now everyone knows that something like 85% of all resolutions fail, so why commit yourself to something with only a 15% success rate? I made a resolution years ago to not make any more resolutions, and that is the one resolution I have stuck with. This year Rob and I are resolved to improve our health. We are both turning the big 4-0 in 2009 and have decided we want to spend the next decade healthier than we did the last. Because of my Fibromyalgia we have not been able to do the hiking, backpacking and other outdoor activities we once enjoyed doing together. An unfortunate side … [Read more...]