Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works. - Virginia Woolf I am taking a writing class. It is a six week, creative nonfiction class on personal essay. Here is a short description of personal essay from my class syllabus: In his introduction to the definitive anthology on the subject, The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present, essayist Phillip Lopate writes, the personal essay “should certainly be celebrated, because it is one of the most approachable and diverting types … [Read more...]
15 Counterproductive, Needless, and Delaying Things I Did Today
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Procrastination is a behavior which is characterized by deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Psychologists often cite procrastination as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision. Psychology researchers also have three criteria they use to categorize procrastination. For a behavior to be classified as procrastination, it must be counterproductive, needless, and delaying. Procrastination Tales Of Mere Existence Counterproductive, needless and delaying ways I spent my time … [Read more...]
I Do Not Want to Think About Fibromyalgia Everyday
I am realizing today the shift my new writing assignment is forcing me to make with my blog. You see I have tried very hard to make my blog specific to Fibromyalgia, how it affects my life, news and information on Fibromyalgia, etc., but I am realizing that there is a reason I have not been writing about Fibromyalgia everyday. Mainly it is because I do not want to THINK about Fibromyalgia everyday. When I got up this morning my first thought wasn't "I wonder what new and exciting thing happened in the world of Fibromyalgia overnight." No, it was more along the lines of "Mmmm, coffee." and … [Read more...]
Spontaneity? Is it Possible with Fibromyalgia?
Heck yeah it is possible! Today my husband and I did something spontaneous and I lived to tell the tale. Good thing too, because I needed something to write about on day two of my 30 in 30 writing assignment. It began as an average Sunday morning - sleep in, go to a leisurely breakfast at our favorite cafe, hit the grocery store and buy something to grill for dinner, head back to the house, walk the dog and then assume the position - me at my computer and Rob wherever he lands with his laptop. Rob made a call to one of his friends who just happened to mention he was walking around Balboa … [Read more...]
Productivity is My New Thing!
Yesterday when I sat down to my blog I looked over at the right hand column and was dismayed to see I had only written 7 posts for the month of April. I was dismayed for several reasons, one because my goal is to write 3 posts a week (a mark which I am not sure if I have ever met), two because I knew at least 3 of the 7 posts were what I consider fluff posts (I'd like you to meet my dog!), and three because I recognized I had been avoiding my blog and that made me really sad. I love my blog. So why would I avoid it? Well mostly because my brain and my body have not been cooperating with my … [Read more...]